• Member Since 14th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 9 minutes ago


A fan of GIANT military mechs, ponies, video games, ECT.

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  • 93 weeks
    Im a bit worried about the possibility of nuclear war.

    I dont wanna wake up one day and find out Washington and Moscow have been wiped off the face of the Earth.

    1 comments · 145 views
  • 130 weeks
    Well its official. Me, my two brothers and dad got Covid.

    Contrary to what the news says, I dont exactly feel awful right now. A couple days ago it was body aches and a fever but now its just an annoying cough and mild nasal stuffiness. My dad should be ok in 5-6 days. None of us have any serious pre-existing health risks, and the "older people at higher risk" thing thankfully doesn't apply to anyone in their 50s.

    5 comments · 146 views
  • 167 weeks
    Goddamn water heater needs replacing.

    Just my fucking luck. Unless some of us dont mind cold water, we'll have to shower at our aunts.

    0 comments · 124 views
  • 168 weeks
    Awful ear infection.

    Its been hell for me. In addition to an ear infection, its also accompanied by a strong headache and pain in my teeth.

    5 comments · 205 views
  • 174 weeks
    Found out My aunt just died this morning.

    Found it out a few minutes ago from my dad. Is there ANY good news? ANY good news at all??

    3 comments · 235 views

Im a bit worried about the possibility of nuclear war. · 12:54pm Oct 11th, 2022

I dont wanna wake up one day and find out Washington and Moscow have been wiped off the face of the Earth.

Report Gundamfan · 145 views ·
Comments ( 48 )
  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48

you seem pretty alright yourself

i always enjoy an opportunity to talk about pony biology

you seemed like a cool guy.

i will not be confirming or denying the claim that I am a guy
whether or not I'm cool?
I'll let you decide

I was just enjoying our conversation in the group and thought you seemed like a cool guy.

oh sweet; you're following me?
that's fine, you can do that
might i ask why?

Thank you for the follow!!

  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48
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