Update 8/5/2015: New Story! It's called Immortality, and a good read(hopefully).
I gotta start using my blog on this site more...
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How many friends have you made today?! Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends. 72,024 words · 5,348 · 248
What's Your Story, Morning Glory? Morning Glory has succeeded in becoming Princess Luna's personal student. But how did she get there, and where will she go afterwards? 22,233 words · 1,204 · 70
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A Night unlike Any Other Luna feels dread, knowing even before her banishment, both her night and herself have never been appraised by ponies. This changes however, when she realizes that her sister's student has feelings for her AND her night. 4,808 words · 110 · 6
Wings- A Difficult Experience Twilight Sparkle is one of the brightest mares in Equestria, both in knowledge and friendship. For some reason however, the mare's wings are doing their best to destroy her sanity. 9,234 words · 58 · 10
The Stars Shine Brightly in the Eyes of Lovers Twilight and Luna are officially an item! The question is, do they each have the encouragement to put it out to the public, or are they both trying to answer the age-old question: What is love? 3,710 words · 31 · 5
I gotcha covered, my friend. You deserve to have something to smile about. 😇💖
Wishing you the best of luck and happiness.
I really needed this! I just started going back to college and there's still a pandemic going on so my stress is at an all time high
Here to make your day 'cuz why not