• Member Since 1st Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I'm 'Roarin' Out to Go!

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  • 59 weeks
    not dead omygod

    im not dead, thats for sure! currently updating home sweet home for now, so thats neat. Look out for revisited chapters and most likely redone covers because my art got so much better

    3 comments · 196 views
  • 97 weeks
    Hello! its been a while

    so im not dead
    surprising aint it? mb yall, been busy studying for college and stuff, the usual but i'm actually here for news! in any of my posted stories, you'll notice that i've been editing them for some time now. So there will be noticable rewrites because its been a year and if i haven't gotten better in a year, i'll be very bitter :")

    Most of it will be towards "dusk's new shine" where i'll be ironing out some continuity errors and the like, so i hope yall don't mind.

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    3 comments · 468 views
  • 147 weeks
    Gen 5 and thoughts on it

    Its.. certainly interesting. I haven't even watched it but i know that Celestia and Luna aren't a thing, nor is the main 6 which is uh.. certainly interesting. The new alicorns are... eh, i got no idea to be honest.

    I still got no idea how mlp got so backwards, with mostly everyone being speciest and a divide happening.

    Maybe if i get over watching it, i could have a gen 5 oc go back in time and into gen 4, who knows

    2 comments · 252 views
  • 171 weeks

    “What are we?” he had once questioned, his eyes trailing to the body that laid next to him. Who would’ve thought that the pony who owns such a lithe and small form was someone who could make him sweat?

    Then again, with her fiery personality, it wasn't surprising.

    The mare didn’t answer, not for sometime.

    Just a lil preview on the new chapter of Dusk's New Dawn, to show that I'm not dead lmao

    2 comments · 378 views
  • 172 weeks
    Anything for You

    Artermis' lips, once in an angered snarl filled with bared teeth had shifted and fell as he finally understood. As the elements' magic washed over him, he stopped his futile struggle and now stared. His mind still reeling as visions of what he did slam right onto him.

    He understood now, why his dearest lover had done this to him.

    He understood and he couldn't help but want to reach out to her.

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    2 comments · 335 views

not dead omygod · 7:44pm Jun 7th, 2023

im not dead, thats for sure! currently updating home sweet home for now, so thats neat. Look out for revisited chapters and most likely redone covers because my art got so much better

Report ThatWritingDragon · 196 views · Story: Home Sweet Home ·
Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Please continue bartender story

Hey, you still updating your stories here? It's been forever since you posted anything.

Pls update your dawn story soon.

How's Progress On The Bartender Story?

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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