• Member Since 19th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Just a gay bun having fun.


Happy Hearts n Hooves Day · 8:19pm Feb 14th, 2023

Get sappy with someone you love. Or just let somebody important to you know how much you appreciate them being in your life. As you like, I'm not your mom.

The story update is there is no update. Life is just... happening a lot to me right now, let's stick with that. I'll let you know when there's something more substantial.

Report Saturni_Rose · 75 views ·

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  • 75 weeks
    Happy Hearts n Hooves Day

    Get sappy with someone you love. Or just let somebody important to you know how much you appreciate them being in your life. As you like, I'm not your mom.

    The story update is there is no update. Life is just... happening a lot to me right now, let's stick with that. I'll let you know when there's something more substantial.

    0 comments · 75 views
  • 82 weeks

    IO SATURNALIA. IO SATURNI. Hail to me, hail to thee, and a happy holiday to thine. May good cloth, good company, or good times warm your winter nights.

    (This is about the only xmas song I can stomach anymore despite hearing it a thousand times, lol.)

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    1 comments · 128 views
  • 84 weeks

    In terms of news, we have no news.

    Except that lovely as ever Facade has worked with me again for another fantastic cover art. I'm truly blown away. And looking back on these last few years, I'm pretty thankful for this experience working on the Harmony trilogy. If nothing else, I certainly hope to have grown as a writer from it.

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  • 106 weeks

    I commissioned Facade again for some more cover art, and I am absolutely in love with this one. Enamored even, it's so good.

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  • 111 weeks
    Exciting News

    Or, it is for me anyway. Harmony Unbound now has its own bespoke cover art!

    This wonderful piece was done by the very patient with me Facade, who's recently started taking on commission work, and I must say I am extremely pleased with the results.

    2 comments · 230 views

Happy Hearts n Hooves Day · 8:19pm Feb 14th, 2023

Get sappy with someone you love. Or just let somebody important to you know how much you appreciate them being in your life. As you like, I'm not your mom.

The story update is there is no update. Life is just... happening a lot to me right now, let's stick with that. I'll let you know when there's something more substantial.

Report Saturni_Rose · 75 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
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Ah, gotcha.

Been trying to find someone to do at least some character art for a kid's fantasy novel I'm working on.

She's my oc basically cosplaying as Griffith from Berserk, who did nothing wrong ever in his whole life. How could he? Just look at that pretty face. :raritywink:

Who is the woman in your avatar, and where is she from?

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