• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Punk Rock Prom Queen

Ironic reasons are the best reasons darling.

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Why some one like me is a pegasister. · 2:59am Dec 15th, 2013

Now I'm sure after reading over my bio you're all wondering why some one like me even likes a show that's aimed at girls 3/4ths my age. The answer to that is quite simple actually, it's a good show through and through. Its not mindless drivel like most cartoons and TV shows on now a days and actually has a point to it. Unlike cartoon network whose quality has drastically fallen since my childhood and airs shows that are not only inappropriate for their audience, but mind rottingly stupid,

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Das Bio

-The Name: Ophelia M. Kinder

-The Mare: The sarcastic, cynical, jaded misanthrope next door.

-The Mission: To provide satire and parodies of common tropes with a more realistic spin. Sometimes humanized in nature (mostly humanized, ponies make better humans than humans do).

-The Reason: Let's face it, it's hard to come by good authors who update, I aim to fix that, hopefully... possibly...maybe. I write mainly to entertain myself, but if you guys like it then that's cool. I'm not out to change the world with my work, just mock it until I can get out.


Comments ( 144 )
  • Viewing 140 - 144 of 144

Hey, thanks for the follow and your interest in Eternity well spent.

Thanks for your interest in BEDLAM the third one as well.

Thanks for favoriting my silly vampire story

Thanks for tracking Lost Tales of Equestria: Hollow! It's greatly appreciated!

Thanks for tracking Among the Trottting Dead. Will be posting the last chapter to part 2 soon. Then will be awhile until I post part 3. Want to have a majority of it finished before posting! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 140 - 144 of 144
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