• Member Since 31st Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen October 11th

Living Dimension

Hey there, nothing much just a Brony and Nerd... and physical therapist


A little about myself · 8:36pm Feb 1st, 2018

Hey there, Living Dimension here or J the first Letter of my real name...
I wish to share a little about myself with you.
First of all I am 30 years old and a massagist (or is that massage therapist in english?) that is also learning to be a physiotherapist and going to school for this goal.
In my free time I like to play computer and read Fanfiction and how our body works from books.
These facts do know a lot of my colleagues but what I am about to tell you almost nobody knows about me.

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Report Living Dimension · 326 views · #MLP #Life
Comments ( 96 )
  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96

Thank you very much
You are a delight

Thanks for adding "Scarfaced Stallion" as favorite. :pinkiehappy:

You are welcome,
It is a really great story even with the protagonist being really OP but awesome like she is...

  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96
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