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A thought · 3:28pm Sep 23rd, 2018

When we are child we subconsciously deny everything bad that happens around us.

When we were teenager we are often angry at everyone and everything around us.

When we are young adults we're always bargaining and fighting for what we want and what we believe should be right.

When we hit mid age many people feel depressed by the reality of how the world is and that we cannot do anything about it.

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We bought a house! · 4:56pm Oct 19th, 2021

This is a major milestone for me and I am happy to cross off this lifelong dream from my bucket list. Life is busy, atm.

Be blessed, stay safe, keep moving forward.


News on Who You Work For/ My Workload · 7:55pm Aug 2nd, 2015

Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everyone! (or those who read my blog and/or are interested in Who you Work for.) I would like to apologize for the lateness of the newest chapter for Who you Work for... The reason I have not updated is because of two others fics I have been working on in my head and writing for quite some time. Because of this, I hope to have three chapters finished by next Sunday. That means a new chapter of Who you Work for AND two new short stories. I also have 2-3 one shot ideas I am

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Report FerociousCreation · 391 views · #life

Friends... · 5:46am Aug 3rd, 2016

... I live, though too much sometimes, I think.

(survived the move and the week without Internet that followed it. Please allow me a bit more time to sort myself out before projects are resumed. I am weary, and my life feels up in the air)

Tagged WTEtG because I'm sure some of you not following me are wondering where the hay I've been.

Report Nines · 530 views · #Life

Update on Life · 5:36am Sep 29th, 2016

September 29th, 2016

So as you may or may not remember, back on February 15th of 2015, I announced my departure from MLP and FiMFiction communities. Well, I think I'll take that back. I have for the most part returned to FiMFiction, rereading fics I enjoyed in the past while I catch up on three missed seasons and three movies of ponies.

So where does this leave me?

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Report Ocean Breeze · 402 views · #life

Enjoy yourself · 9:23pm Aug 13th, 2016

Hey this will be my first blog! HURRAY lol. Anyways just gotta say something emotional and perhaps personal.

Enjoy yourself. Everyday might be a challenge or another problem but that's seriously life. You gotta go through the shit and garbage to obtain your goals! I know nobodies knows me but believe me when I say you matter and are important.

Don't let everyone's opinion help define who your really are. Unique.

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Report AlphaPony221 · 362 views · #Life

Absence · 2:22am Nov 28th, 2019

I've been gone for a while, and there's a lot I should do here. There is a story that I should really catch up on, and a lot that have been waiting for me to pick them up again. Also there's my story, which I am definitely putting a pin in until I can make the story flow without it feeling forced. Of course, the details matter too and making the dialogue feel more natural and given personality is a priority. I know it won't help not writing, but I'm going to have to hope that a break will give

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Report SunflowerSwirl · 268 views · #life

Unplaned Car Purchase · 4:09am Mar 29th, 2022

Not to but to fine a point on it, but my car died over the weekend. I've had in for near 18 years at this point (and had < 100k miles on it) and it just simply died. Something is messed up with the electrical system, and I can't started it, or even jump it. I had replaced the battery a few months ago, and everything was working just fine until it wasn't. Thankfully it died at home, so I didn't have to try to get back, but needless to say, I was had a pressing need to get a new car.

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Report Winter Quill · 239 views · #Life

Hi. · 9:15pm April 30th

Been a while, but I'm still floating around now and then. Been thinking about ponystories a lot, and how I have one more in me that I'd REALLY like to write.
Life has been weird, though. I'm now on a horse farm in the horse state, rather than a graveyard-adjacent house in the cheese state. There has been joy and sorrow and, you know, life.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 121 views · #life

Life Update! · 7:19pm Apr 4th, 2016

Hello, everyone! Stahl here with a life update on the things.

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Report Stahl · 491 views · #Sequel #Life Update #Life

Five Months · 12:54am Sep 10th, 2021

Today marks the 5th month that my mom passed away due to complications of COVID-19 along with infections in her blood, heart, lungs and kidneys.

I so badly miss her, I really wish I had gotten to learn how to do some of her cooking recipes and relearn of how to do sewing.


Happy New Year 2022 · 5:44am Jan 1st, 2022

Wishing all my watchers as well as my fellow Bronies and Pegasisters a very Happy New Year 2022!!


And this is why rules exist · 5:31pm Aug 15th, 2016

I have a younger brother who's nine years old and therefore very full of himself. He doesn't like following rules because he believes he knows better than the people who make them.

In our house, we have a rule that when he makes his macaroni and cheese, he has to have an adult (or me) carry the pot to the sink to drain the noodles. He hates this rule.

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Report Sleepy Panda · 411 views · #life

Update on Who you Work for and silly life stuff · 8:30pm Jul 21st, 2016

So for anyone knowing why there has been a month gap between now and the last chapter, I have my reasons. For starters, I just want to have the entire Gala event written out and post each chapter on a day to day basis until the event (in the story) is over. This part of the story has been planned for the last two years and has been changing ever since. I want this to be one of the best things i have written to date and I have already gotten started and have a few chapters finished. This may be

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Report FerociousCreation · 401 views · #life

Travel · 9:46am May 3rd, 2018

I'm on the road somewhere in Minnesota. Just passed Butterfield I think? We're so close now. Doing a hard push till we get to our new home. I drove from 5pm to 2am, and apparently covered 460 miles? Hubby told me this after I woke up (car naps suck when you can't put the seat back.) He's gonna drive the rest of the way.

So tired...

Report Nines · 333 views · #Life

Hey Guys · 5:44pm Nov 7th, 2020

I'm not sure who would actually read this considering I have been inactive for quite some time, but I figured a status update was due. Since I last uploaded to deviantart, a lot in my life has changed. Last late fall, I started dating a wonderful young man who would only grow closer as time went on. In May of 2020, I graduated college with my bachelor's in computer networking and began to work my first job in retail in order to pay my bills until I could find a job in my field. On July 21st,

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Report LolianTriforce · 209 views · #life

long time no see · 7:54pm Sep 26th, 2023

hey everyone! namara here! not sure who all is still around, but i'm alive!
i've been reminiscing recently, and thought i'd give some updates because the passage of time is weird as hell.

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Report Namara · 69 views · #life

still alive · 6:01pm Jul 22nd, 2016

Writing is on hold atm due to major stuffs happening in my personal life. Among other things, I'm moving this weekend.


... Who wants cake?

Report Nines · 388 views · #life

Stuffs! · 10:10pm Nov 19th, 2015

Hey it's snowing!!!!!!, and Blus happy and Mochas wife is happy which means he's happy and I can see why people dislike FF and my GF is on her period which really sucks cuz she's all moody and it's snowing and the season finales coming up next week and I'm exited for it and wedding planning and I'm no longer failing all my classes and mocha has plans for Sun and I really wanna go see mocking jay part two, was it good? And Blus happy witch means she will listen to me and stop dwelling on the

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Report Sun Struck · 333 views · #life

I'm back. · 3:23pm Apr 22nd, 2018

Yeah, most of you who see this probably didn't know I left.
I'll keep it brief: TL;DR I was having some personal issues that I had to work through but I'm doing alright now so it's back to writing my fic. I've got about 5k words into chapter 3 and I'm hoping to have something finished within the week.

Sorry if anyone whose been looking forward to more was put off by my long absence. I'll try and make chapter 3 nice and clean to make up for it!


Report xRei · 329 views · #Life
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