• Member Since 18th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2018

Sun Struck

Brony,Bowler,Gamer,Titanic Enthusiast, Ships! Can't get enough. I also like to read and role play.

Who is SunStruck?

look what you found!
Its my user page hope your having a super fun amazing day!!!

Heres a bit about me, I guy that has no writing skills and has some art skills and planning on getting back in to fan art. I love to watch Movies and watch TV, play games like Minecraft,Civilization V,World of Tanks,Silent Hunter 4,world of warships, and, what else? Modded Minecraft. I also Enjoy reading fan fic. My favorite of the mane six has to be Rarity, My favorite CMC is Scoot, but that changes about every month or so. My favorite Villain is Chrysalis,my favorite princess is Luna,and my favorite Over all character is Sunset Shimmer!

My Oc!

Name:Sun Struck
Nicknames: Sunny
Hometown: Canterlot
Current Residence: Ponyville
Occupation: store owner
Mane Color/Style/Length: Red, Yellow, Soft
Coat Description: soft and has cold resistance
Eye Shape/Color: blue
Allegiance: Equestria.
Cutie Mark:Scroll and quil
Special Talent: Drawing and really voicing his opinion.
Family: One sister,SunsetShimmer
Friends: a fair amount.
Personality: pretty much like Nick Wilde.
Flaws: dose to much talking with out thinking, over thinks things, has a poor attention span.

Sun Struck is smarter than he appears.
He is cold resistant


Yey! · 11:09pm Mar 8th, 2016

Report Sun Struck · 373 views · #mlpseason6
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Thank you for the watch! Have one back!

Guess that I'm not the only one that LOVES that face Starlight makes.:rainbowlaugh:

Ok, may I get the stallion's pic? I already have the mare.

I do take requests just pm me

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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