Badass King Sombra 72 members · 58 stories

In the trend of character-specific badass groups, have one for King Sombra! Whether he's a villain or some kind of hero, stories were King Sombra kicks but are welcome. Just please abide by the rules and read each folder description.


1) All site rules apply here, ya dangus.
2) Stories go in one folder each.
3) Stories should have King Sombra as a focus, even if he isn't a tagged character the story should still have him as a major villain or presence in the story.
4) The fourth rule goes here.
5) If you have a problem, either contact an admin, send a smoke signal, or pray to a deity of your choice and hope that'll solve all your first world problems about a ponyfic group not working.

Related Groups:

Badass Groups:

King Sombra Groups:


Comments ( 2 )
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I don't even remember joining this group lol... Ice Star made it. Why are we always running into each other?

Okay, I'll leave now... Byebye!

Hmmm, I seem to have started a trend here, haven't I?

  • Viewing 1 - 2 of 2