• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2021
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How to navigate my profile · 6:36pm Nov 24th, 2021

The easiest way to read my reviews is to use this aggregator site: MLPFicReviews

This site contains reviews from Anons (including me) who post into the /fimfic/ general of /mlp/. You can make sure you're reading one of my reviews by checking if its on the bookshelf below. If a fic contains multiple reviews, please consult the Ponepaste below to know which one is mine.

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Comments ( 52 )
  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52

Yeah, it was me. You can thank Q for nagging me to do so :twilightsmile:

some amusement in it

As mentioned, I really dig your humour! Does it come easy or do you iterate a lot on it?

the dubious honor of no score

Honestly, it was because of Tower of Diamond. I gave it a pretty bad score when I read it, but upon further ruminating on it, I realised it wasn't the story that was bad, but rather the feelings it evoked. I didn't want to make the same mistake here.

Thanks for the comprehensive review! I'm sorry you had to suffer through that, but I'm glad you found some amusement in it! I actually love when my stuff gets torn apart, and I'm amused that the story got the dubious honor of no score. Hopefully the next thing you read is less conflicting and is a good old "Good Vs Evil" thing. (This is, of course, assuming you wrote the review I saw on the aggregator site!)


Have you reviewed the story "The Same Scenario Repeated 3 times" by seer? It's amazing!

  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52
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