Twilight Sparkle had realized that she had been here before and that she had realized that she had been here before and that she had realized that she had been here before.
A terminally unhappy little Cadance, stifling under responsibilities and the eye of her aunt, is gonna show up her meanie aunt by vandalizing the walls. Celestia, an expert, is gonna show her how it's done.
There's something weird with the date and notification for the latest chapter for Marblehouse, Grand Poobah of Testarossa, so just in case it didn't get to you here's another warning. You wouldn't want to miss it - it is officially bad bitch o'clock.
I'll be entering the non-pony only challenge competition soon. I didn't do the Thousand Words this year because none of my ideas were good, which makes it hard to, y'know, write another (borderline?) winner.
If you're an American, happy 4th of July! Please try and make sure you come out of this with as many fingers as you started with! If you're not an American, my condolences for your having a perfectly normal Tuesday.
If you still here, it's now here, all 14,000 words of it. Plus, a little side-story too, involving the usual Jimmy topics - insurance, bureaucracy, legalese. All the good stuff. Check it out below.
I've missed you guys. I could go on about what caused the absence, but, instead, I won't. I've got chapters to finish - time is of the essence!
Sorry about the wait. I could say that I've been busy, moving around, and so forth, which is all true, but the most important reason why I haven't been productive is that someone put me in the wrong operating mode.
Amyway, (overly) big chapter update on Whitehorse, Lady of Ferrari. Next updates are significantly less boring by virtue of actually having, y'know, fighting, violence, action, etc. Should be fun.
Incidentally, here's some answers to various questions I have been asked over PMs, Discord DMs, and the like.
Fluttershy, Royal Game Warden (?)"She needs bits? I'll just make her the Game Warden. Not like we're gonna need one of those any time soon!" – Twilight Sparkle, JimmySlimmy
25,543 words
· 286 · 7
Rarity, Contessa di Mareanello (?)"All we must do to secure our stipend is grant fair Rarity a title? By all means, do so posthaste! We cannot foresee any harm she could encounter from that!" – Princess Luna, a notoriously poor JimmySlimmy
131,489 words
· 169 · 3
Cutie Mark Crusaders: Accidental Harbingers of the ApocalypseThe only thing standing between a trio of insatiably curious fillies and Equestria's absolute quasi-thermonuclear auto-annihilation is Twilight's idea of operational security. Between you and me? I don't think Equestria has a freakin' JimmySlimmy
9,877 words
· 97 · 2
Acts of Gods (Disambiguation)The hardest job in Equestria isn't being Princess, or being the Elements, or even being Spike. It's actually Ponyville's insurance Claims JimmySlimmy
3,422 words
· 186 · 3
Parenting, One Doodled Noodle At A TimeA terminally unhappy little Cadance, stifling under responsibilities and the eye of her aunt, is gonna show up her meanie aunt by vandalizing the walls. Celestia, an expert, is gonna show her how it's JimmySlimmy
2,828 words
· 198 · 1
The Girls go Danger (very) CloseThey are Equestria's finest mares, but they are Equestria's worst howitzer team. Now with additional lowbrow comedy!by JimmySlimmy
8,246 words
· 110 · 2
Rainbow Dash Stunts the Forklift"ROSHA? How about you 'Row-sha' yourself back to No-Fun Island, you big dork!" -- Rainbow Dash, forklift jockey JimmySlimmy
2,908 words
· 85 · 0
The Wonderbolts Have A Coffee Break"Gran Pegasmo 4" is serious business. Contains no java, but does contain fan-service, making fun of the elderly, and acts of unspeakable violence against a Haystation JimmySlimmy
2,755 words
· 39 · 1
Canon Perpetuus, Canon Perpetuus, Canon PerpetuusTwilight Sparkle had realized that she had been here before and that she had realized that she had been here before and that she had realized that she had been here JimmySlimmy
1,000 words
· 121 · 1
A Milk RunThe convenience store is ten minutes away. It will take him two and a half hours to get JimmySlimmy
3,158 words
· 47 · 0
3163557 I quite like Corner Carver. If you'd fancy it. once I've written up the story would you pass an eye over the sections where it describes Derpy's flight? I'd imagine there's room for improvement in it, and as I say I rather enjoyed how you did things. You did also write something quite well to do with flight regarding poor Twiggles and making her acquaintance with an unyielding surface too, that was rather good as well.
Nah. He doesn't, actually. I bandied around a few ideas but ultimately decided he didn't need one - not that my OCs ever have good names. I think my favorites of the bunch were "Moving Violation" or "Corner Carver."
Oi. Does the 'old geezer' in 'A Milk Run' have a name or anything. I read that a while ago but it was the only story I could think to use as reference for Pegasus movements with their wings. I'm writing a Derpy story because she's lovely and as such it was quite the inspiration, I have a nod to it but was hoping to include a name to the 'old geezer' if he has one.
3120843 What an honor! Thank you, and I will try my best to keep up the good work.
Luna's speech is so much fun to write that I'll never let her give it up completely, obviously, and as a complete societal recluse she's a long way from post S2 speech, but there are rules that I follow. Thees and thines are an informal pronoun used for a familial relationship, a close friendship, or from a position of authority, like a teacher to a classroom, much like "tu" in French if you've ever had the misfortune of studying the accursed tongue. Thus, she hasn't had a chance to use them much in my stories, as, in no particular order: the griffon ambassador was a foreign dignitary, the viscount is a non-familiar member of the the high nobility, Twilight is a fellow princess of the same societal tier but not her family, she respects Rarity and later ennobles her, and Fluttershy slapped her in the face and thus exerts her social level through brute force like a total chad. In contrast, her sister is a "thou," for example.
A score is an old-timey (with a fascinating history) way to say twenty years. Abe Lincoln's famous "four score and seven years ago" is 87 years, as 1863-87 is 1776.
Yeah! Just send it over once you're done. You can catch me in the site discord or hit me up over PMs with the password. Whatever you like.
I quite like Corner Carver.
If you'd fancy it. once I've written up the story would you pass an eye over the sections where it describes Derpy's flight? I'd imagine there's room for improvement in it, and as I say I rather enjoyed how you did things. You did also write something quite well to do with flight regarding poor Twiggles and making her acquaintance with an unyielding surface too, that was rather good as well.
Of course. He's "Literally Me."
Nah. He doesn't, actually. I bandied around a few ideas but ultimately decided he didn't need one - not that my OCs ever have good names. I think my favorites of the bunch were "Moving Violation" or "Corner Carver."
Does the 'old geezer' in 'A Milk Run' have a name or anything.
I read that a while ago but it was the only story I could think to use as reference for Pegasus movements with their wings. I'm writing a Derpy story because she's lovely and as such it was quite the inspiration, I have a nod to it but was hoping to include a name to the 'old geezer' if he has one.
What an honor! Thank you, and I will try my best to keep up the good work.
Luna's speech is so much fun to write that I'll never let her give it up completely, obviously, and as a complete societal recluse she's a long way from post S2 speech, but there are rules that I follow. Thees and thines are an informal pronoun used for a familial relationship, a close friendship, or from a position of authority, like a teacher to a classroom, much like "tu" in French if you've ever had the misfortune of studying the accursed tongue. Thus, she hasn't had a chance to use them much in my stories, as, in no particular order: the griffon ambassador was a foreign dignitary, the viscount is a non-familiar member of the the high nobility, Twilight is a fellow princess of the same societal tier but not her family, she respects Rarity and later ennobles her, and Fluttershy slapped her in the face and thus exerts her social level through brute force like a total chad. In contrast, her sister is a "thou," for example.
A score is an old-timey (with a fascinating history) way to say twenty years. Abe Lincoln's famous "four score and seven years ago" is 87 years, as 1863-87 is 1776.