• Member Since 6th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago

Curtis LeMay

Successful offense brings victory. Successful defense can now only lessen defeat.

Comments ( 62 )
  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62

The Plaid Heart of Heroism is yours for your favorite on both A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake and Shattered Souls

Thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites. I'm really grateful for that, hope you continue to enjoy it sugarcube. :ajsmug: :eeyup:

Nice username. My dad flew B52s and told me stories...

Hey, thank you for the Favourite on Ouroborous :pinkiehappy: I really hope you enjoy it :twilightsmile:

Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth.:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62
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