• Member Since 13th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2020


Back briefly to take a stroll down memory lane!

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So long, farewell. auf wiedersehen, goodnight. · 7:47am Mar 8th, 2017

Well folks this is the end of the line i'm afraid. I've lost motivation, i've lost enthusiasm, i've lost my interest in the fandom as a whole. This is the probably the last thing that'll i'll write here, it's been fun.

Report TopHatFlavour · 351 views ·
Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

Appreciate the support with It's Over Scratch. :twilightsmile:

Hope I can keep you interested! :ajsmug:

2311401 oh wow
thank you

2310743 I just think you're an exceptionally good writer that's all.

Thanks for the watch! May I ask why you chose to do so?

2262557 no problem, loved the story.

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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About My Writing

I may not be the best writer there is, but as long as someone likes what I've written then hopefully that means I've made someone's day better. That's all that really matters, so have a nice day!