• Member Since 9th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 13th


Consume all the Turnips


I'm opening up a commissions system for myself!

I'm fine with writing just about everything! If you are in doubt just ask and I'll tell you what I'll do!
Pricing will be at $5 per 1000 words with a minimum for 2000 word. But once it gets to the lines of 20000 words then a charge of $3 extra per 1000 words that increases by $1 for every 5000 words after that. It can be split up into chapters or as one large block, depending on what you'd prefer.

There are a few rules when it comes to commissions for the sake of both of us:

1: A deposit of $5 will be requested for stories of 2000 or less and a $10 deposit will be requested for stories larger than 2000 words

2: After the deposit you are not required to give payment until Chapters are delivered is delivered including following chapters/blocks of words.

3: You will be informed along the way with everything that I work on including what I'm planning on doing with the story so it's exactly the way you want it (Since you're paying)

4: If I feel that the story is not up to par I will give a full refund of what was payed.

If you're not happy with something just tell me and I'll change it as soon as I possibly can. If you ask for a massive story but there's only so much I'm able to do with the idea I'll tell you and only request payment for what was finished or if you payed in advance then a refund of what was not used.

Understand that I have a life outside writing and I'll try to inform you on any delays that may happen while I'm writing and if something causes me to put the story on hold for a while I'll compensate with free work or cheaper work depending on how long the delay.

Just contact me for any questions or requests!

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Is covid causing a problem irl or did you hit a road block or both. Either way we are still here waiting for you to return to finish what you started .

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

All good friends, you weren’t a bother. I should have said something earlier

Yeah rl can do that to you. I understand sorry for bothering you.

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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