• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Etyco Filly

Just your average Etymologically Correct Filly that equally adores cutesy and/or dramatic romance, as well as horrifying, grimdark tragedies. And any mix of those!

Comments ( 33 )
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Can write, when they want too.

To be fair, most of the fics on that I don't think I'll ever read. But Empath is short and caught my eye, so it has at least a 10% of actually getting read lol

Oi, I see you there adding Empath to your bookshelf.
Good luck on all those bloody fics you've to get through though, goddamn.
At least Project Sparkle might be finished by the time you do.

Thank you for the interest!

Heh, I feel ya on that 😆

I somewhat breeze through my original work, but playfully dark humor is not my biggest strength when the novel needs a healthy dose of it, lol

  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33
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