• Member Since 20th May, 2012
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You can always send me a PM. I'll usually always answer, eventually. You don't need to ask for permission. That being said, I usually don't jump on other folks story ideas as I have too many of my own!


I forgot how to make a blog post · 8:02pm April 21st

I spent like ten minutes trying to figure out how to make a blog post. Don't worry. I figured it out.

Report tailsopony · 131 views ·

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Comments ( 64 )
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Just here to say hi, and love the stories. Don't usually do anything but read here, but cool to see your name after not reading a story from you for like over 5 years xD. Thanks for the unexpected nostalgia, and good luck in future endeavors & all that <3

lol. Thanks! There are far better writers on this site. I've been a fan of https://www.fimfiction.net/user/235389/Ebonyglow lately.

Paying homage to one of my favorite writers here. Thus concludes the 1st stop of my pilgrimage.

Here 2023

Thank you for favoriting "The Elements of Harm Many!"

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