• Member Since 20th May, 2012
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I forgot how to make a blog post · 8:02pm April 21st

I spent like ten minutes trying to figure out how to make a blog post. Don't worry. I figured it out.

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Sometimes · 1:35am Mar 28th, 2022

The world is a strange place. I'm a little on the older side, but I just had a first for me. One of the people I helped raise died recently. She didn't have the best life. Her family was difficult, and I like to think that mine provided a reprieve. I helped change her diapers, taught her to read, and watched her grow up even in a difficult household. Her family loved her very much, but didn't have the capacity to express or act on it in a way she could appreciate, and secretly I blame at least

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I don't know why I do what I do · 7:58am Mar 10th, 2019

For whatever reason, I wrote a weird Starbound fan-fiction. It's not very good, it's 16k words, and I can't post it here because it's 100% not pony related.

I write these kind of things from time to time, but this was the first time I felt compelled to post it somewhere. Usually it ends up on 4chan for the 30 minutes the thread is alive and then disappears into the either with 50 views on a pastebin page where 45 of them are bots and 4 of them are me refreshing the page.

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Sometimes · 12:12am Dec 8th, 2017

Sometimes I do things. Sometimes I don't. Here is a list of things, and whether I am doing them or not.

Currently working on:
Shitty adventure game (It's extra terrible...)
Harmony Combine stuff (all three stories actually...)
Cleaned Castle (Wanna drive this train to the end of its story while I'm thinking about it)
Double Down (Need to bring it back to gambling and away from weird moral explorations.)

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Check yo self. · 4:31pm Nov 10th, 2017

So I've been reading too many current events, and thought I'd give a shout out to anybody that's been paying attention to them. Some of the stuff I've been reading in the news reads like some of my weird fetish stories, and not in a good way.

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Just a minute there.... · 9:35pm Oct 15th, 2017

Taking some time to practice/learn programming. Not stopping writing, and I'll be checking in regularly, but gonna slow down a bit from my usual snails pace. I realized that I have the ability to write 10k words in a day, why not 1k lines of code? Of course, It'll take me some time to do anything super fun. My first goal is going to be a little interactive pony text adventure game, not too different from writing a story anyways. I've built a monster randomizer for it, a super basic combat

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Well. This is going to be interesting. · 3:31am Apr 15th, 2017

So I've been working on something. It's not quite there yet, but it's getting there. It needs some love, some upgrades, and maybe some bionic enhancements. But it's going to get there.

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Why my covers suck. · 4:26pm Oct 25th, 2016

Some people have sent me messages asking about why I have such terrible cover art. I found one of my descriptions, and posted it to dirty whore. When I did, I realized that I never explain my cover images.

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CV:C Pending update · 4:41pm Dec 28th, 2014

Working on it. I'm Really bad at this, I know. Here's the first few words. Really the whole chapter except for this bit takes place about a month after this, but whatever.
- - -

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CV:C update! · 6:06pm Aug 19th, 2012

I just re-wrote chapter one completely. It's a whole new thing. Give it a read if you like weird things.

The old chapter one is archived in a blog post.

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