• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


🇭🇺 | "I will never trust a single word this femboy says ever again." - /mlp/ | Like what I do? Ko-Fi,


Before the days of the palace-city of Canterlot, the Princesses held their court and personal cities deep in the Everfree. In Luna's city of Equinox a mare loses her fortune and decides to visit the bridge connecting her home with the city of the Sun.

There she meets a fate far worse than the loss of one's wealth...

Inspired by Híd-avatás.

Proofread by Equimorto, Not That Anon, and Etyco Filly. Thank you again!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Despite not being aquainted with the source material, I liked the story. The writing was downright beautiful, and I appreciated the scenes you invoked in the reader's mind.

Comment posted by Draco Dei deleted Feb 25th, 2023

A dark figure, hardly even visible against the Moon’s halo, hovered in the middle of the glowing prism.

My knowledge of geometry leads me to question if 'prism' might perhaps not be the word you wanted?
Yeah, can we get an English translation of that? This is as far as my web-fu got me: https://www.gutenberg.org/author/Arany,+J%C3%A1nos .
I tried running the link in the long description through Google Translate, but while the result generally made grammatical sense, I felt much was lost in the actual meaning.
P.S. although translating the footnotes provided some answers.


My knowledge of geometry leads me to question if 'prism' might perhaps not be the word you wanted?

I used prism there to imply the Moon is glowing/refracting light. It might not be entirely physically correct, but I was more going for the artsy quality.

Yeah, can we get an English translation of that?

Sadly there isn't one, as far as I know! I could try to make one, but I'm firm it wouldn't quite give back the pathos of the original as it employs both rhyming and rhythm to make the story flow.

Thank you very much!

Ah... I see... I will mention the word 'mirror' as being perhaps more traditional, but understand that might not fit the particular poetic choices you were going for.

A comment for the algorithm, btw. :yay:

This was great!

I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks :raritywink:

That was a good story.

Ooooo, good fic, I like it!

8/10, cute short story

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