• Member Since 4th Aug, 2013
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Mister Horncastle

British voice actor, filmmaker, gamer, and proud author of The Titans' Orb. | Join the TTO Discord Server!



Book 1 in the Titans' Orb saga.
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The Titans' Orb is a magical stone created by the Holy Titans of Harmony to protect the world of Equus from interdimensional threats. After a vengeful demigod breaks loose from Tartarus, the Orb is shattered into six pieces and sent to Planet Earth, scattering across the globe. With all of Equus now in terrible danger, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are sent to retrieve the pieces at once.

Meanwhile on Earth, there lives a boy named Callum, recently fatherless and enduring the torment of an abusive family. He is soon to discover that the fictional characters from his beloved T.V show, are not so fictional.

Alongside his newfound companions, he is soon to embark upon a great adventure.

To find the Titans' Orb...

TTO Discord ServerTTO GoodreadsChinese Translation (wip)

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 281 )

My sincere apologies for the inconvenience... :fluttershyouch:
I fully appreciate that there may have been a few people reading the older edition that will now have to wait a couple days. But rest assured, all chapters uploaded from now contain vital changes, especially the earlier ones, as my reworking of Chapters 1-through-12 wasn't as thorough.

What made you what to rewrite the story going how many and how far you gone with them ?

Odd, I could have sworn I posted my reply.

Yeah, there was an issue with Chapter One and I had to quickly take it down and reupload it, and your reply was on Chapter One instead of the Author's Note, so it unintentionally got deleted. 😅

I decided to rewrite it because the original Titans' Orb was sloppy and full of cringy moments. My writing is now infinitely better than it was ten years ago, as is my understanding of pace, dialogue, and overall storytelling. As such, I wanted to go back and give the first entry to the saga a real opportunity to shine.

The book is now fully re-written, but I'm uploading the chapters daily to maintain a steady flow and scan them for last-minute errors. After that, I'll be rewriting the second entry to the story as well, The Titans' Orb: Rising Storm. The third book will also receive some edits, but nowhere near as drastic.

Oh you straight up deleted the chapters and are starting afresh? Fair enough I guess.
Shame my old comments are gone, but hey ho. You also never edited the last chapter with remastered edition, or the epilogue, so I'm really looking forward to finally seeing those!

Damn, that image of Nah'Lek blowing up the orb slaps.


“Me be alright?”

Having read a certain chapter in Breaking Dawn, that hits WAY harder than it ought to. :raritycry:
Awesome new prologue, keep it up! :pinkiehappy:

And so the adventure begins...
Again. :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously though, the difference between this Chapter 1 and the old one is like night and day!
If the rest of the story is getting this level of treatment, then I am VERY excited.
Can the rest of the month come like... NOW PLEASE!? :rainbowwild:

Yeeaah, in hindsight I should have just unpublished them, as I've now lost all those old comments, along with the story's total view count, which I believe lowers the story's chances of getting featured, I haven't a clue how the algorithm works. 😅
Alas, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter too much, the story's quality matters more to me than its popularity. That said, once the remaster is fully published, I intend to post it around a fair bit, as I would love to bring more readers into the fold.

I had a similar idea for an MLP/Warcraft fanfic on the board for a while. It would be about the World Soul of Equus, the source of the Magic of Friendship. However, I didn't know how I would write it. I'm looking forward to what you come up with for this story.

Ooh that's an interesting twist on a similar concept, great minds think alike ey? :twilightsheepish:
I very much hope you enjoy this story, you can expect many twists and turns!

Site Blogger

A complete from-scratch rewrite? Color me curious. As a reviewer, I am always interested in seeing writers improve over time. Perhaps when this is all uploaded I will add it to my 2025 list.

This was one of the very first stories I read on here. I also see it's getting a rewrite. Is Rising Storm and Breaking Dawn gonna get the same treatment?

I loved this story as a kid when I read it several years ago, and I'm really hoping that the illustrations you used in the original are preserved in some sense, I loved the visual story telling they added to the narrative.

Rising Storm will be. Breaking Dawn will get a few edits but not a full-on rewrite.
I'd advise following my profile as I'll be making further Blog Posts which go into further detail on some of the changes, and it would be good not to miss 'em if you're getting back into the story.
Welcome back by the way! :twilightsmile:

Oh trust me, as you can already see with the Prologue and these first two Chapters, the visual storytelling is very much alive and well, and thoroughly enhanced.
If you liked the pictures then, you'll LOVE 'em now. :rainbowwild:


you can expect many twists and turns

which is your master plan? :3


All shall be revealed in time.
Just like Nah'Lek's, my plan is long, convoluted, winding, and crafted with immaculate care. :trixieshiftright:

“ How many times have I told you about jumping down those fucking stairs!? ”

To hazard a guess, this line was written straight out of your real childhood, wasn't it? :rainbowlaugh:

With a human in the mix, these saddlebags had been designed in a way that I could carry one of them if required, to lighten the load. Impressed by the ingenious innovation, I studied the bags further. Each pair was a different shade that matched the colours of their respective owner, complete with their cutie marks stitched onto them for a personal flourish. I then noticed that three of them had additional embroidery, with Fluttershy’s bearing the symbol of a red cross, Rarity’s housing the icon of a refrigerator, and Applejack’s having what looked like a cluster of vegetables. I guessed that those particular bags held a dedicated role, of which I could only presume were medical supplies, perishable goods, and dry food storage.

I'm trying (and failing) to visualise how that looks. :applejackconfused:

Almost immediately I regretted it, as my desktop wallpaper came into view, depicting none other than Derpy Hooves, sticking her head through a generic Windows background.

I love the added detail that you added the ponified icons AND the goddamn date on the taskbar, continuity like that could have been so easily overlooked. I really hope we get more images throughout this story than the original, it really brings it to life. I couldn't help but notice the image of Fluttershy in the ironwood tree is gone from the last chapter.
Can I ask why?

“You… you… you vile, ignoble, pygmy pink-skinned flesh-golem! You deserve everything your mother does to you, you putrescent dung-eating charlatan!”

Genuinely howling at this insult, I will absolutely be using it. :rainbowlaugh:

Loving how different this chapter feels, I remember the "Callum knows about the MLD incident" bit being rushed over in the original and never being talked about again, which always felt weird to me.
Now it makes sense, because Angry Book Horse doesn't want to betray her beloved Sunbutt, and has straight up told him NOT to talk about it.

Also I could've sworn that picture of Callum stabbing the clone looked different in the original?

I removed the Fluttershy image because I wasn't happy with how it looked.
As you can tell, (and just mentioned in terms of added detail), I want the visual storytelling to be convincing, and using the SFM model of Fluttershy was much too cartoony.

I need to try and find some more lifelike 3D pony models, then I will create more images and add them to this story in a future update I'm planning.
Yes, this story is getting ANOTHER bloody update after this rewrite comes out. :rainbowlaugh:
Not a rewrite mind you, it'll be solely to work on more visuals.

Yeah, I thought the same thing when I was rewriting this one. Dialogue and plausible human/pony responses & critical thinking was something I used to struggle with when I first wrote this.
Now when I write, I always think to myself, "Is this how real people talk? Is this a realistic response?"
Helps a lot to get these sorts of in-story situations better.

Glad you liked the insult, it was a chuckle and a half to come up with.
The runner-up was - "You rancid fucking heretic, I hope your dogs die!"
Obviously that one was a bit much, so I dialled it down, just a touch... :twilightoops:

And yes, good eye! :pinkiegasp:
I enhanced the image as the original was a bit lacklustre, and also had a continuity blunder.

We go again?
Hell yeah, we go again.

The mean lady is not friend.

i think the "i hope your dogs die" part would've sent him over the edge and confirmed the fear Twi has....

The front door was promptly closed to spare me the agony of hearing the dog’s confused whining, and I made myself put one foot in front of the other, whimpering to myself as I went.

I'm not crying... y-you're crying! :raritycry:

BEST CAMEO EVER! :rainbowkiss:

I had a feeling someone would appreciate the cameo. :twilightsmile:

Do you plan on doing this for every single chapter? :facehoof:

“You’re a fatty, dude.”

they were most certainly, and most incontestably, mortal beings; that was to say, their physical anatomy was very much on display. Not that I was into that at all, but out of sheer curiosity’s sake, I had admittedly found it hard not to glance every so often. Thankfully their tails kept them decent for the most part, but with the odd swish here and there, the uh… reality of the situation practically begged to be seen at times.

Yeeaah, this was hella awkward to visualise, though obviously that's the point.
That said, still much tamer than the incident in TTO: Breaking Dawn... :facehoof:

I'm almost certain that the original version of this story came out before the "You are going to Brazil." meme was popularized, but the "We are going to Brazil." still reminds me of it.

That meme surfaced in 2020, six years after the original version of this chapter did. :rainbowwild:
But yes, it's a little reminiscent of the meme I suppose.

Okay fine, that one actually made me laugh. :facehoof:

“What's that in normal measurements?”

“A little over fourteen stone.”

“In pounds, dipshit.”


XDD, fun fact, the top comment is mine from 6 years ago. :DD

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