This story is a sequel to Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: IDW Comics
Misty continues to work undercover as the Mane 5 and Team Sonic's newest friend, although her loyalties may start to shift as she begins to see the true friendship she could have with these ponies. However, as Opaline and Eggman's endgame draws nearer, the fate of Equestria, Mobius, and the battle between good and evil may rest on Misty's shoulders. In the middle of this, some secrets come to light, some romances fly in the air... and some visitors from Mobius arrive to take Team Sonic back home.
Well, this is definitely one way to start a season.
Okay, awesome start and awesome Prologue chapter of the beginning of a near future where sonic got injured and trying to reach the emerald while facing a giant Eggman robot, and then rewind back to the beginning to show how they started and how their lives are, awesome start in this chapter. It is great and exciting
So we start it with Eggman causing a genocide.
Yeah, I’m going to be shocked if he actually survives to the end after doing something like that. Continuing the franchise rules be dammed.
Also it seems that the fate of the world rests on three idiots who gamble everything away at video games. Equestria is so screwed if they’re GFs aren’t going to keep them in line.
Speaking of GFs, interesting turn with Amy here. Actually, the entire backstory was well done and did a good job in setting up future events. At least I’m hoping it’s future events.
Anyway, I have absolutely no idea what’s going to come next so I’ll see you on Monday for whatever it was that got our Blue Star so sad.
Awesome job 😎 👍
Okay, wow the true origins of Sonic and the past, wow that was amazing, some great, some so touching. And now the group knows more about sonic and his friends and wow, Amy felt left uncomfortable since she’s the only girl of team sonic, yikes, I hope the others make it up to her and join the team again and wow the backstories are so great and shocking, and looks like Opaline and Eggman made amends and are planning their plans still, and the ending of Longclaw and Sunny’s father is a surprise and wow, man this was a great first chapter, looking forward to the next one, awesome job, keep up the great work
Out of curiosity for myself and others who may be wondering the same thing, how often are you going to update this story if it's 100% completed?
They said on a blog post that starting Monday and every even numbered day at 1 PM CST for the next 2 1/2 weeks, give or take.
Oh come on, you missed a golden opportunity for a reference here!
Okay, not what I expected that would bring Sonic to tears. I mean as in I wasn’t expecting Longclaw to be brought up in this episode. Nice to see Sunny be the one to comfort him after that one TYT episode. Really ties it together.
Geez, who knew Eggman was so scared if Sonic that he’d do anything to make sure that hedgehog stayed miles away from him. Also, since it’s now been confirmed Eggman is responsible for the death of all of Sonic’s family, my theory of him being scrambled at the end is still going strong. (End of the series, not the story To Be Clear)
Knuckles was just so funny with both his interactions with Pipp and reactions to whenever someone broke into song. He totally would be the one who would hate musical numbers.
Zipp is cracking the case on Opaline’s identity, so the baddies are going to need to do something about that. And I have a feeling that something is going to involve Misty in a way that will make me hate her, but we’ll see.
Anyway, next time is involving Sonic and water. This will either be really traumatizing and/or really funny. Most likely the former, but there could always be the later.
Great chapter, and wow, Team Sonic, sins sonic of course, the Mane 5 are working on Canterlogic, with a few bumps and turns in the road, and Sprout being there, they manage to hit it done, and wow, Sonic going through something on the day of her passing, yikes I feel sorry for him, Eggman and Opaline planning their move while Misty is conflicted on which side she needs to be, wow that was some interesting and exciting episode you did there, awesome job, keep up the great work
Nice chapter man 👏👏👏👏
Awesome work 😃👍😎
Well, this was an entertaining episode.
The montage of Sonic trying to swim, mixed with Zipp and Tails doing whatever was just hilarious.
The fights were also well done. Nice reference to the Mario Movie with Knuckles.
And it seems Team Dark is learning some interesting history about the connections between the two worlds.
Anyway, next time is when a certain ship we’ve all been waiting for is supposedly getting officialized. Why do I have a feeling this is all leading up to a big troll?
Wow, that is a great chapter, and wow the mane 5, San Zipp, had trouble teaching sonic how to swim, which he, Tails, Knuckles and Zipp reminded them that he can’t even stay above water, and he can’t swim since when he goes in water, he sinks like a rock, and looks like Opaline and Eggman did a plan to try and attack our heroes in two positions, one in Maretime bay in town and on the beach, and keeping knuckles busy in the city with a giant robot that Opaline was controlling while Eggman attack the rest on the beach, and trying to steal the unity crystals, failed and defeated, and looks like Team Dark and Amy found a secret library and discovered some shocking discovery and some more reveal of the chaos emeralds, wow that was a great chapter, awesome job, keep up the great work!
I'm liking this Season so far! It feels with better writing and completely story-focused compared to the previous Season.
Also, I think that "rivalry" dynamic between Knuckles and Sprout has a lot of potential! I hope we see more of those two in the future.
Oh, thank chaos it wasn’t a troll and Pipnic………..Sonip………….Pipp and Sonic has officially set sail!
I listened to the song, and yeah it was a perfect choice.
That’s one princess down, one more to go. But I have a feeling this one will not be so easy to wrangle.
Good luck, Tails. You’re gonna need it. And if you hurt her, I will make you into a pelt!
Especially since Sunday’s chapter will involve Heart Attacks in some way. Hopefully the romantic type and not the literal kind.
Aw, now that was sweet. And hey, nice use of the song from Greatest Showman. Major Kudos my friend.
I just imagining how Amy will react to Sonic being Pipp’s boyfriend
How I feel after reading this:
Wow, that was so beautiful and touching, and wow that was one love chapter for sonic and Pipp and it was sure beautiful, and boy did knuckles and tails messed with them, which was pretty bad and their confession didn’t turn out well, but after sonic found Pipp and the two sing together and confess their feelings, they have started their relationship, which was beautiful, wow it was so great. And the others saw it through the drone and they love happy endings, and boy did Haven and Zipp cried to see Pipp being in a relationship, and so did Knuckles, I mean haven I get but Zipp, that’s a surprise and wow that was a great and beautiful chapter there, awesome job, keep up the great work
Hell Yeah! Great Chapter!
All hell is going to break loose.
I wonder how the Pippsqueaks will react to Pipp and Sonic being a couple? (Which I mean Seashell, Glory, and Peach Fizz, hope we see more of them in this chapter).
Okay, so Tails is a control freak even without evil necklaces.
Sunny and Hitch somehow do not understand the concept of shipping.
Opaline and Eggman agreeing on anything regarding Misty scares me.
Eggman went evil from sibling, or rather cousin, rivalries.
Sonic would need to sleep with one eye open if somepony gets the “hopefully” wrong idea about events between him and Pipp in the Brighthouse.
Somepony that should also be taking notes for their big moment.
Haven and Alphie apparently haven’t become official or someone is breaking their own traditions.
Heart Attack was apparently regarding a love song.
And on Tuesday we’re going to have things get interesting if the previews are anything to go by.
Okay, great chapter! And whoa, Tails went on board with Pipp’s show idea and took her place for Sunny Side Up when Pipp and Sonic need to announce their love to all of equestria by doing a song together, which is pretty great and catchy. And tails did the show to try and bring Sunny and Hitch even closer, which they did have a good fight but got caught up for the true purpose of the show. But then everything worked out and now Canterlogic Studios have been booked for 6 months, and Opaline and Eggman grounded Misty for her failure and she had a lot to think about, which she did while Eggman now feels sad that Misty is going to change sides while Opaline tried to grab the dragon stone but dropped it, but she’ll get it soon, while team dark and Amy finds out more on what they discovered. by the way, awesome job on this chapter, it was great. Keep up the great work
That was pretty good.
Now the bigger question is, when is Team Dark and Amy going to reunite with Team Sonic.
Oh Pipp Is Sonic's Girlfriend? OOOOOOH Amy's Gonna Kill Him.
Uragiri. Azamuki. Norowareta kao no kizu.
Huh? Oh, sorry, must’ve blacked out there.
Anyway, this was a good chapter.
Not the way I expected for Team Sonic to become ponies, but hey, if it’s something they can do by choice then that helps with certain issues going forward, if you know what I mean.
I apologize for that.
Anyway, then there’s the stuff with Zipp, Tails, and Misty. All I can say right now is that I am getting my lawn chair ready for whenever reality hits out little fox friend like Amy’s hammer to the face.
Especially since now Eggman has what I can only describe as a doomsday weapon in the form of a spell that who knows the possible side effects.
Also, I caught that reference you may or may not have snuck in there.
Wow, awesome chapter, and wow team sonic turned into ponies when they are invited to the manesquerade ball, while Opaline and Eggman are busy with their plans, Misty snuck out and join the fun with the others, and while Zipp searched for clues, Tails and Misty followed her and talked her about things while Tails snapped at Zipp for only focusing on her mystery and not spending time to her friends while Misty confessed about her not having a cutie mark and they made up and Zipp have the Alicorn book. And team sonic, Misty and Mane 5 did their dance together and had fun as Misty had fun as well, but took the pages of the Alicorn book from Zipp and kept it a secret while Eggman found a magic absorbed spell, I had a feeling things are about to get more and more interesting and exciting, awesome job, keep up the great work
Awesome job 😎 👍
Not really! She did say in a previous chapter that she had mostly gotten over her crush on him
Is it bad to say that Sunnys look in the episode for the ball is probably my favorite out of the mane 5? Because she looks beautiful in it and her Mask makes me think it references Twilight & Celestia as the princesses she looks up to.
I DESPERATELY want to see someone draw this. I want a physical representation of this SO badly it’s hilarious
Now I wanna see whatever Zipp and Tails are gonna do when/if they start dating as well.
Now that was pretty good.
And Sonic and his team looked good as ponies, even if it was temporary.
I loved this chapter wish they stayed ponies to be with there lovers that would be SOOO CUTE AND AWESOME 😍
Probably have a long talk once everything is done, I’ll tell you that.
That's such a nice and clever touch. I love it!
Intentional or not, this is a pretty nice call forward to Frontiers.
So Eggman is stabbing Opaline in the back after all... Why am I not surprised?
By the way, I sent you two messages, but I wasn't sure if you saw them or not. Just wanted to check to be sure.
Tails shipping Sunny and Hitch will never not be hilarious.
Great chapter, Pipp got sick again when team sonic was gonna do a stream band, and the her friends tried to help her get better by resting, while they are doing that, Sonic visit Discord for answers on the last chaos emerald, and found out that the last one is in the past! Wow, if it’s in the G4 timeline, that would be more I interesting, looks like time travel adventure will happen, and team dark is still searching while Amy explained why she quit the team, which she is still conflicted on her chose and sonic and rouge feel bad for her, I hope she rejoins the team, and rouge and shadow explain about their discovery and rouge telling shadow that getting sonic and the others to leave equestria will be hard on how much of a home and how much friends and love ones they made, which is something they might not want to leave, and looks like Opaline and Eggman are going to put their plan into action as Misty doesn’t feel right about it, things are about to get more intense, awesome job on this chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Ai wo shirazu. Nikushimi dake de. Sodaterareta. Aware na ko nigeru ga ii.
Okay, why does that happen? Whatever. Hopefully it’ll be done soon.
Anyway, this chapter doesn’t have too much to comment on. Sonic and Pipp are cute as always, Eggman and Opaline realized they screwed up with Zipp will never not entertain me, and we even got to see Discord again.
This was a nice breather, because next time is when things really start to get crazy.