This story is a sequel to Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 1
A new adventure begins here! Join Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and their trusty sidekick Cloudpuff as they explore a brand-new Equestria! With magic back on this magical land, the ponies are more united than ever—at least until one of the Unity Crystals is stolen! Can the Mane 5 and Team Sonic find the culprit before magic is gone for good? And in the mean time, can Team Sonic finally unfold the mystery behind the Chaos Emeralds failure? Can these three friends from another dimension find their way back home?
Awesome!!! Great first issue and wow Izzy feel left out from her friends and now the Pegasus Crystal is missing, and during the search, Tails and Knuckles talked to Izzy as she told them how she felt as they search the cave, and in that cave, they’ve found Canterlot, wow this gonna get more interesting! Awesome job, keep up the great work
Nice work. Don’t forget puncuation.
You mean caught
Are You Gonna Do More Of Tell Your Tale?
He’s planning on it, you can’t rush these things you know
Awesome job 😎
Looks like Sonic and his friends are about to explore the past.
If you're still continuing TYT, then when does this take place?
Even for me it's hard to tell. At first, when I wrote Issue 1, this took place after the MYM special.
Now that the first 8 episodes are here, specially after 'Growing Pains', I'm not so sure anymore. For now, this stories take place after the Make Your Mark special, but I might change that after Issue 10 (it's cover makes me feel this arc with Discord ends there).
Great chapter, and wow that was a great way for Discord to introduce himself, the Mane 5, make sense, but Team Sonic, figures since he is the lord of chaos, he can access any realities, and wow the backstory is something but now Discord is on the move now that he got the Pegasus Crystal and is finding the way to destroy it, this is getting interesting, awesome job, keep up the great work
I get the feeling Sonic is going to want to pound Discord more than any of the times he defeated Eggman or past enemies. Cause now Discord has made himself an enemy to Sonic & telling Sonic he knows about the chaos emeralds & more is asking for a rumble. I would not be surprised if Sonic wanted to show Discord just how fast he can go, but it would have been a real showdown if ever could go Super Sonic.
Yeah. If Sonic goes Super Blue or Super Red he could unleash a whole new power to stick it to his foes!
Super Blue or Super Red? I don’t recall Sonic ever going into those forms. Plus if he ever did, he would need something to help him transform like how the Chaos Emeralds help him become Super Sonic.
They’re from Dragon Ball Super series. There are few people who made pics of those forms for Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. However, the Chaos Emeralds are a lot more powerful than everyone thinks and I think Sonic is only scratching the surface of his dormant potential.
So you’re alternating between Tell Your Tale and the IDW Comics? Meaning that you’re going to go back and forth?
Hmm... It looks like Discord is implying that the last Chaos Emerald is either in a dimension between Sonic's world and Equestria, or an Equestria in a different time period... presumably Ancient Equestria, AKA Generation Four/Friendship is Magic Equestria. If the latter is the case, imagine the reactions of the Gen 4's Mane Six when Gen 5's Mane Five and Team Sonic go back in time to get the last Chaos Emerald and the former finds out about Equestria's future from the latter!
I am afraid those are forms Sonic can not transform into & Dragon Ball Super is not part of the crossover. I am sure it is just strictly between Sonic & Mlp. So no blue or red transformation.
Well Hyper Sonic might make a appearance.
Great chapter, and wow Zipp was so focus on finding Discord, she didn't give Cloudpuff much attention, and at the Brighthouse, the gang are trying to find a way to find Discord before Magic despeared and before he destroy the Pegasus Crystal, and trying to find out what his clue mean, and Zipp calling Hitch for help since Cloudpuff is missing, and once they found him thanks to the critters help, Zipp apologize to Cloudpuff for not taking care of him properly and Cloudpuff asked her to keep his secret place a secret as the two returned to the Brighthouse to continue their search, amazing job, keep up the great work.
I think I know where last Chaos Emerald is!! Discord was telling Sonic where to find! It is not in the present in another time period and could be the past the Equestria before it fell which means Sonic needs to induce Chaos Control to retrieve the last emerald! That was what Discord was saying! The 7th emerald is in another period!
Great chapter issue, and wow, Pipp showing everpony how she felt when that time her followers found out her and her family can’t fly, that took guts, and looks like she talked to her friends first before posting it, while half of them are busy, the other half shows that maybe she shouldn’t, and that sonic and Pipp moment was cute, nice one, and when Pipp posted it, it did turned out the way she suspected but it did helped ponies overcome their fear as she express her true self to everypony, and looks like Discord left a message for her, this is getting more interesting, awesome job, keep up the great work
Great chapter, and wow, Lightning Rod sure did tell a scary story of discord and the mirror, but something wasn’t right there as there are some mysteries to cover and only Sonic, Tails and Zipp were suspicious but now they have a lead to find discord and by the time they turned back, Lightning Rod and his Lighthouse was gone, wow that is a mystery, awesome job on this chapter, keep up the great work
I like to think that Lightning Rod was a ghost that was only able to live that long cause of the mirror. But once the mirror was gone, his physical body & Spirit disappeared once he was able to let go.
Okay that was interesting, and wow Tails and Knuckles siding with Izzy because their friends won’t listen, and Fluttershy’s message really shows something to understand discord and only Tails and Knuckles, even Izzy understand Discord’s attention, he just wanted peace, and looks like Sonic caught up to Discord and talked to him about his plan to destroy the Pegasus Crystal and finding the other Chaos Emerald, but Discord snapped and toss him away as he continues his quest to destroy the crystal, that was interesting, awesome job, keep up the great work
Awesome work 😎👍
That’s until Sonic learns to go Super Sonic without the Chaos Emeralds like Goku does when he goes Super all he needs is a trigger! Besides that’s an added improvement cause his body has been absorbing Chaos Energy into his body every time that Sonic used the Chaos Emeralds. I hope when Super Sonic first appears he gives Discord a scare like no other staring into the eyes of ascended Warrior!
Destroying that pegasus crystal will make everything fall apart.
That was a great chapter, and wow Hitch really hasn’t had much luck, and I like the part wheee Sunny kissed him on the cheeks, heheh that was a great moment, and Hitch really gotta learn that he needs to say no if he can’t do anything but at least his friends returned the favor to help him with his dj, and looks like Sonic won’t start running for a while, so his speed is out of the picture for now, but now thanks to him doing some research through Sunny’s father notes about Daring Doo, they have a lead, awesome job, keep up the great work
I need more of Izzy casually flirting with Knuckles out of nowhere :)
the world of comics and the mlp series are normally two different universes.
I know, but I choose to keep them connected here.
Just so you know, Discord's words in previous issues will make more sense in my future stories. That's why I'm settling up this first, but things like this issue happening in fall season make it hard to keep consistency.
Great chapter issue, and wow Izzy did all that for Sunny to surprise her around the time after their first adventure, and talk about smooth-tastic run, and sunny was surprise but Izzy think she doesn’t like it but Sunny said other wise because she felt bad when Izzy said that she felt let out and after they apologized to one another, they sell smoothies together and shared them with their friends but Izzy is feeling worried that she thinks it might not be enough to stop Discord, and looks like Tails and Sonic found a clue to find Discord and get the Pegasus Crystal back, awesome job there, keep up the great work
Butt kicking time is soon! I got a feeling Sonic will give Discord a nightmare if Super Sonic appears or dare I say Dark Super Sonic who will give him a tremendous pounding.
1. sonic don’t have all the emeralds to go super sonic.
2. Sonic don’t like going Dark Sonic, with all that power comes less control and he lose himself.
3. After seeing Fluttershy’s message for Discord, he feel bad for him and might try and talk him out of it
Well, my pal 11472924 already said it, but let me be even more clear: Dark Super Sonic isn't canon here. Anything Sonic X related (yes, fan series on YouTube included) isn't canon to my story.
And Sonic still has some remorse with Discord, but if he sees a pacific way to solve things out as a better resolution than just attack Discord like if he was Eggman or something, then he's completely fine with trying it out.
Good to see that we're going back to the main plot next time, although I really liked this too :)
Kick his ass!
Time for Sonic to show Discord who’s boss! With a swift punch to the face!
Great chapter, and oh boy, they are close to stopping Discord and looks likes Team Sonic have a surprise for him, and looks like Izzy's singing really helped them unlock the door dial thing they need to enter the cave, while also getting trap by Discord, who was waiting for them and trap the Mane 5, but was caught off guard when Team Sonic came in from Knuckles sudden punch and from Sonic and Tails coming in with the plane, this should be interesting, awesome job, keep up the great work.
After finally catching up to Discord & hoping to get the unity Crystal before he gets to the lava, Sunny & her friends have been imprisoned by the lord of chaos with no way out. But hope still Shines in Team Sonic coming to the rescue in Tails new plane The Tornado 4 ready to confront Discord & save their friends. Will Team Sonic & the mane 5 finally get the unity crystal back? How will Sunny & her friends help face Discord? Will the mane 5s Friendship survive the confrontation with Discord? Or is this where Discord proofs their friendship isn’t magic? The final Showdown & friendship problems continues in the Next issue!
No, no! Zipp, no! This is not the time for that!
Awesome chapter and great twist! And wow that was some fight and boy did they fought Discord, and once Discord is secured, Tails and Izzy showed him Fluttershy’s message she left for him, which opened Discord’s eyes and now he sees the error of his ways. And now made amends of his mistake and returned the Pegasus Crystal to team sonic and the mane 5, and now magic is now stabilized and Discord made new friends, now he isn’t alone and I love the ending where sonic had his alone time when he missed Longclaw, and her voice speak through the chaos emerald, that was great and looking forward to the last two epilogues on Monday, looking forward to it, anyway awesome job, keep up the great work
More adventures lay ahead I’m sure the last Chaos Emerald will be restored in their time of need.
Hmm... Perhaps Longclaw had some secrets we never heard about. Otherwise, why could she talk with Sonic through a Chaos Emerald?
I get the feeling that LongClaws spirit is connected to the chaos Emeralds if Sonic needs comfort. But I am curious how those 2 epilogues turn out.
You two might or nor might be close to the answer :)
Okay, that is an interest first epilogue chapter, and wow Team sonic are still on a road block and Discord maybe friends with them but he still won’t tell them much about the last chaos emerald and looks like Eggman is gonna make that titan plan, which will be interesting, and looks like Opaline has a plan of her own and it involves cutie marks, wow this should be interesting and awesome job
That’s until Sonic takes away her powers when he get all the Chaos Emeralds back.