• Member Since 16th Aug, 2019
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Universe 010921: A story saga about Sunset being in MLP G5 series.

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  • 3 weeks
    Happy 4th of July Everyone

    Happy Independence Day Everyone. I hope you all have a fun time, see a parade, have a cookout and watch the fireworks!

    8 comments · 75 views
  • 5 weeks
    Happy Father’s Day

    Happy Father’s Day everyone, I hope you all spend great times with your fathers

    9 comments · 72 views
  • 10 weeks
    Happy Mother's Day/Mare Day

    Happy Mother's Day/Mare Day to everyone! I hope you all spend time with your mothers! They deserve something special in the world

    1 comments · 102 views
  • 14 weeks
    BronySonicFan Message

    Alright everyone! I just wanted you all to know that tomorrow at 2 pm, BronySonicFan is gonna release a chapter that I'm pretty sure that you guys will like in his story.

    Because it is something that you all will see and trust it, it will. So be prepare for BronySonicFan latest Multiverse story chapter, because it will be pretty great

    3 comments · 126 views
  • 23 weeks
    Help Fight for Changes

    It's me, listen my followers, me and a few others need your help to do some changes to make stories allow following the plot of other stories. And to keep the stories we have already written over the years

    Please go to here.


    There, we can change of rules of this site and be free to write as we choose. It's for all of us, so please, help and change the rules of this site.

    21 comments · 641 views

Happy 4th of July Everyone · 3:37pm July 4th

Happy Independence Day Everyone. I hope you all have a fun time, see a parade, have a cookout and watch the fireworks!

Report JesusG0987 · 75 views ·