• Member Since 26th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Backup account for AlphaToothless94, still love HTTYD and everything

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  • 10 weeks
    Happy Mother's Day!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. This is for everyone: Appreciate your mothers for everything they do. Appreciate and love them while you still can. Show them that you’re grateful for all the good things they’ve done for you and who they’ve made you into.

    That’s what I try to do for my own mother. Have a great day everyone! :pinkiesmile:


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  • 21 weeks
    Happy 18th Birthday to me.

    Forgot to mention but my eighteenth birthday was today. Still doesn’t feel real being two years away from being 20. But at least this wasn’t a boring birthday. Might celebrate some more but also might just go to sleep. Sooo… goodnight everyone. Hope you all have a great rest of your night or day, depending on where you are.

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  • 47 weeks
    So… What am I doing wrong here?

    Ok so… I have a third story that’s a continuation from the previous one “My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New” and it’s… not doing so well. I don’t know why. Is it because of the first chapter and the backstory I gave a certain character? Is it because of the writing in general? I just don’t know… maybe this will change as the story progresses but… I don’t see that happening for some reason.

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  • 73 weeks

    Well…it’s finally here!

    My seventeenth birthday 🥳 🎁🎂🎈🎉🎊

    Can’t believe I’m turning seventeen today and I don’t even know what I wanna do but I’m just hoping today will be an amazing day. Not just for me, but for everyone else as well.

    Today I might take a break from working on my current unfinished story, might not. I don’t know. But either way, I shall return soon. Be safe my friends, and remember to keep smiling :twilightsmile:

    19 comments · 115 views
  • 92 weeks
    Ok so.. I have a request

    Hi everyone, hope you’re having a good day and weekend or week, whatever time zone you’re in. I have a request for those of you who don’t mind or those of you who have read my stories.

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Happy Mother's Day! · 4:07pm May 12th

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. This is for everyone: Appreciate your mothers for everything they do. Appreciate and love them while you still can. Show them that you’re grateful for all the good things they’ve done for you and who they’ve made you into.

That’s what I try to do for my own mother. Have a great day everyone! :pinkiesmile:


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Comments ( 160 )
  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160

Thanks for the Favorite! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Thanks for the follow

And you did an amazing job. It’s my favorite too.

  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160
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