• Member Since 30th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A new writer getting into fanfiction who has an interest in of Friendship is Magic with personal interests and ideas to share.

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Blog Posts

  • 5 weeks
    The Pony Guard Season 6 update:

    Hello everyone,

    Now that the Friendship Games has been dealt with I can move forward with Season 6 of the Pony Guard.

    Said episodes will be Episodes 12-21 to finish off the first half of Season 6 with a four part mid-season finale to bring the total episode count to 200 total so far. I hope and aim to roll them out at least weekly, so try not to be alarmed if some episodes take a little longer to be published.

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    4 comments · 239 views
  • 21 weeks
    The Pony Guard update:

    Hello everyone,

    I just want to let you all know that after sorting things out of how I want this to go, I'm here to let you all that the next Equestrian Girls special, The Friendship Games is a current work in progress which will be coming soon. In the meantime Season 6 with episodes 1-11 is just about ready to be published.

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    7 comments · 502 views
  • 35 weeks
    The Pony Guard Friendship Games and Season 6:

    Hello everyone and I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday and you're all welcome for the gift of the Season 5 finale of the Pony Guard coming out that day, which took over a year to get done but it was all finally completed and worth the time and energy to get everything just right.

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    8 comments · 1,783 views
  • 51 weeks
    The Pony Guard update:

    Hello everyone,

    For starters, after all of this time of dealing with computer problems, I'm back with a new working computer.

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    4 comments · 575 views
  • 59 weeks
    Pony Guard update:

    Hello everyone,

    I just want to let everyone know that while that even with computer issues I was able to get through this season up to this point, I am still awaiting for a new computer. So that said I will be taking the summer off from publishing episodes so until further notice this is all I got for now.

    But on the bright side I got to the point everyone has been looking forward to for nearly two years now so consider it a blessing.

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    1 comments · 723 views

The Pony Guard Season 6 update: · 4:21am June 19th

Hello everyone,

Now that the Friendship Games has been dealt with I can move forward with Season 6 of the Pony Guard.

Said episodes will be Episodes 12-21 to finish off the first half of Season 6 with a four part mid-season finale to bring the total episode count to 200 total so far. I hope and aim to roll them out at least weekly, so try not to be alarmed if some episodes take a little longer to be published.

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Comments ( 338 )
  • Viewing 334 - 338 of 338

Can i have a question about your country?

There’s something you can use when you get to Fantasia.


Because I saw the inspiration you admired to have the Mane Five see what the previous generation saw.

  • Viewing 334 - 338 of 338
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