The spell and the travel was meant to be a short, yet a fun experience to deal with. But they didn't expect, nor ready about what was coming. They sure as hell didn't want it. But like it or not, they must survive.
Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force.
You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months.
The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.
In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.
Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped, and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely.
But this is the year 1944. Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-1941. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned. The free men of the world are marching together to victory.
I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory.
Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Rated Teen because harsh languages, gores, and self harm.
Proofread and edited by
Joe Toon
Hoppy Tiller
awesome chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter
awesome chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter
The shouting. They soothe me.
Are the Mane Six and Spike gonna be the only MLP characters in this remake? Or will Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining come back?
We're still discussing on it, but 'no' is the most possible answer since it'll be too much characters if we add them, but they will take their own roles.
I've been looking forward to this
Terribly sorry for the hiatus of the previous story. I realized that it's going out of the points that I've been planning to. But like I said, I won't put a stop to it. Another chapters will be released soon. So, stay tuned!
Would they at least use a special spell to see what the Mane Six and Spike on WW2 Era Earth? Like a see though magic television? I just like "Characters reacting" Fics.
It's no problem and I'm hyped
A good start, though sorry to say, you did it again
The correct sentence would be "was zum Teufel".
Nicely done! Somehow reminded me of the hütgen forest levels in cod ww2
ok, so i'm sorry, but i need to say this otherwise it's going to drive me nuts.
disclaimer i have yet to read the story at the time of this comment.
Bravery is not acting despite being scared. It's acting in a dangerous situation without thinking of the danger.
Courage is what the short description should say. That's acting in a dangerous situation in direct, acknowledged defiance of the danger. in other words, acting despite being scared.
I literally looked it up on google to be sure.
EDIT: so after a deeper poke around, it seems i am just on one side of a debate i didn't know about regarding the difference between Bravery and Courage. feel free to ignore this comment, as i said, i mostly said it to keep it from bugging me.
Languages side I’m intrigued
I was wondering, Would you be introducing a character here where a German Soldier who is able to speak English betrays the Wermacht and helps them? It would solidify the fact that not all the Germans fighting in the war are bad people. That there would be good people and bad people regardless of the nationality. A Japanese Soldier who befriends Twilight and her friends is a good one too then we could have some scenes where the ponies learn about Japanese Food and culture for example.
I was just wondering, Are we going to have a scene in this story where Hitler dies? Or something from Inglorious Basterds where Hitler dies inside a theater on fire.
I know that this is a stupid question but would Twilight and her friends even think of Hitler as a villain that can be reformed or redeemed?
Is there still going to be romance in the story?
nicely done
awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter
His inner thought are funny to read XD
We're still thinking about it.
Hello, I never commented on your page before but I did read the previous version of this story before you canceled & remade it here. I know there's changes in this one like no other characters making appearances but one thing I was intrigued about was the implied romance that was pontentially brewing between Twilight and Parker.
Will that be canceled too because not gonna lie, it would've been interesting to see how it could've blossomed. It was getting good.
We're still thinking about it. Most possible answer is no because our main focus here is the war and how the ponies and the soldiers could get along with. But don't worry, there's still a bond between Parker and Twilight, but not a romance. More than just that.
*Comes back to check on the story's progress and see if his OC got to appear*
*Notices both the cover and the entire story are gone, and then replaced by three new chapters*
...Huh. Not bad. This is actually pretty good.
Okay, so... kind of rushed, but good nonetheless.
My fuhrer Fegelein brought ponies to occupy France...Fegelein Fegelein Fegelein having him shot
Please let there be some Romance and please let Parker be a father figure for Spike
Nice work
Nicely done
Just give it at like two weeks of spending time with them the female Pony going to look awful pretty 😍
nicely done!
another nice chapter! the outburst reminded me of that outburst of Danianes in COD WW2.
SAy, just a suggestion, how about making a scene that humanizess the German side?
Don't worry, we already considered it and we have plannings for the leaders of the Germans will take place in other chapters.
okay then. But, if you need some German regular soldiers, i might have some for you to use
finally the base is reached!
I only wonder how the ponies will affect the war!
At the end of it Spike it's going to be one badass Soldier I bet you some of those Soldiers are go to be jealous they're going to have female company and there not. My fuhrer Fegelein failed to capture the ponies and convince them to join us Fegelein Fegelein Fegelein I told you have him shot
Nice work and better later than never
The adventure continues...
honestly, twilight should not be terrified of guns that much. seeing that unicorn's magic blast can destroy a fucking boulder.
Are you going to use some like band of the brother and Saving Private Ryan battles to use. My fuhrer we've been just informed that Fegelein failed to give Spike the Dragon a German weapon fire his first gun....Fegelein Fegelein Fegelein
References, maybe.
nice work, as akways!
This will end either really well or really horribly.
Can't wait for what's next!!!
Can't wait to see what happens next!
How soldiers and Generals in civilians how they would greet Hitler they would say my fuhrer. By any chance are you going to put Field Marshal Erwin Rommel also known as the desert fox into the story. And I'm hoping Spike gets to use the 50 caliber Rambo Style from 2008. My fuhrer somehow we are speaking English now we have reason to believe it's caused by the horses and Fegelein failed more information on the horses....FEGELEIN FEGELEIN FEGELEIN SHOOT HIM IN THE LEG!!!!!
Oops, my bad. I forgot to add the note that the italic word in the first phase was meant to be German language. Since I think most of us won't understand if I add the German language (even if it's from Google Translate), I thought it'll be easier for the readers to read with the international language.
nice to see this updated
The Germans are going after Twi and her friends.
Twi and her friends are going to be looking into the face of death itself!
No one gets left behind!! Go Marines!!
I hope they take part in D-day invasion of German controlled Europe!