• Member Since 1st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2023



Works in Progress · 4:49am Nov 9th, 2020

My works currently in progress:

  1. Non Nobis Domine, second last 'real' chapter. Hopefully done within the next week or so.
  2. Untitled Slice of Life, semi-sequel to 'Servant in the Dark'.
  3. Planning stage of sequel to NND: Working Title 'Reprobates'.

Ideas currently percolating

  1. Siege of Canterlot and the Great Retreat, looking at Nightmare Moon and her failed rebellion.
  2. Aristotelian critique of 'The Eagle and the Squirrel'

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Report Dsarker · 277 views · Story: Non nobis Domine · #In the Works

Stories I've Written, and other loves.

Comments ( 14 )
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Groovy profile picture


Well, I can try to promise that :P Next chapter will be up shortly, though!

That's popular culture for you, namely the assassin's creed games and whatnot. Also, please tell me that someone will explain the Eucharist properly to Twi? Can't wait for the next chapter!


Thank you!

I began writing about the Templars because it seems to be that every person thinks of them as a secret society based around controlling the world and the such - whereas the history would suggest they were mostly illiterate professional soldiers who did not really seek power.

The other Orders will probably not be occurring within this current story, though who knows about the future? I'm already including St Christopher in the current chapter I'm writing, as well as a link to the Earth proper, so perhaps they may show up later.

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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Works in Progress · 4:49am Nov 9th, 2020

My works currently in progress:

  1. Non Nobis Domine, second last 'real' chapter. Hopefully done within the next week or so.
  2. Untitled Slice of Life, semi-sequel to 'Servant in the Dark'.
  3. Planning stage of sequel to NND: Working Title 'Reprobates'.

Ideas currently percolating

  1. Siege of Canterlot and the Great Retreat, looking at Nightmare Moon and her failed rebellion.
  2. Aristotelian critique of 'The Eagle and the Squirrel'

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Report Dsarker · 277 views · Story: Non nobis Domine · #In the Works