• Member Since 25th May, 2021
  • offline last seen Dec 1st, 2023


(Previous username: A4E Skyhawk) "There was five, and then it was as if the world inside the tin can suddenly lit up and then there was none."

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  • 118 weeks
    I'm back and with another story!

    Hey guys! I just wrote a new story in my free time so while I finish adding some touches and going over spelling checks and seeing if I want to consider adding things or not. I am mostly finished with my story so I will release it soon around this weekend or maybe even Friday. Have a nice day!

    0 comments · 69 views
  • 141 weeks
    Suggestions needed

    So, with the new story I want to ask, should the story have a modernized Equestria with propeller aircraft only (meaning that they are in the era of machines [1945] ), or should it just be its usual 1900s to 1500s style era with only that train and a few pony carriages here and there.

    3 comments · 188 views
  • 141 weeks
    Thank you!

    With the motivation to work on another story, I am thankful that you all liked my story! So, I announce that there is going to be a naval with aviation story that's going to come out soon!

    The setting takes place in the Vietnam War. It is separate from the plot of Unexpected Assistance.

    (It won't be a oneshot, but it will be decided it should have 5 or more chapters released with each chapter that has more than 2k words.)

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    1 comments · 125 views
  • 142 weeks
    Upcoming short story

    So, with the cancellation of Forceful Reforms, I decided working on short stories would be better. So an upcoming military story will be coming out this weekend. Name of the fanfic is going to be Unexpected Assistance. Hope you enjoy it!

    0 comments · 96 views
  • 155 weeks

    I have been quite busy with school and dealing with some problems currently. I hope to release the next chapter next week. Please wait for the story to return and it will be somewhere over 5000 or more words.

    0 comments · 162 views

I'm back and with another story! · 8:53pm Nov 3rd, 2022

Hey guys! I just wrote a new story in my free time so while I finish adding some touches and going over spelling checks and seeing if I want to consider adding things or not. I am mostly finished with my story so I will release it soon around this weekend or maybe even Friday. Have a nice day!

Report M60A3 AOS · 69 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
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Thats understandable i hope to see you do well in the future.

I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have lost all motivation to continue as all other military stories. I plan on making short military stories and planning for a long story somewhere in the future. Just hang in there with me alright?

When are you gonna update the arma 3 story?

Thanks for the favourite!

I am working, albeit slowly, on the next chapter so hopefully the wait won't be too long.

okay then, hope you can enjoy my storires

Dunno, I'm just bored and I watch people who makes stories I like

Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile:

Welcome to FiMFiction, friend! 😇

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