• Member Since 28th May, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"The world is a stage, and the Stage is a world of entertainment." - Shakespear and Alister the Radio Demon.

Blog Posts

  • 75 weeks
    Happy Birthday...?

    okey, so it turns out that Bismarck, yes, THAT Bismarck, the ship that sunk HMS Hood, got Launched 14th Feb 1939... sooooo happy birthday to the king of the European Seas?

    0 comments · 116 views
  • 78 weeks
    Just Because.

    i don't think this song get's as much love as it rightfully needs.

    and the Text too.

    I remember a time
    When crime was sublime
    There was plenty of loot in the lair
    We'd plunder and pillage
    And ransack a village
    With nary a worry or care
    Then along came this king
    With his soft-hearted dream
    But he ratted us out in the end,
    So rally the troops!
    We were meant to regroup
    And return to our roots once again!

    Read More

    0 comments · 92 views
  • 135 weeks
    Any ideas?

    i would really like to know what Murray says at 0:58, apperently Genndy Tartakovsky often has the actual language characters are meant to speak in his works rather than gibberish so it's probably some Egyptian dialect, so the chance that it's a Real Curse is kinda high, (added bonus would be to know the Full Ricital of this.) and the meaning.

    0 comments · 141 views
  • 258 weeks

    https://www.fimfiction.net/story/122396/1/the-titans-orb/prologue-tell-me-a-story to all who see this, go read this, i wanna hear what your thoughts is, i wanna freaking know ‘em! i personally love it, i hope ya’ll do too, :D (bit of a warning tho, Twilight’s a nutcased bitch for a reason, i won’t say why tho, ;3) also, avoid the homepage comment section on book one and two (at least until your done

    Read More

    0 comments · 260 views
  • 288 weeks
    just one question,

    is there any way shape or form to view the comments you’ve done? ya know other then the stories front page themself? IE on your profile? if so, where?

    0 comments · 267 views



Happy Birthday...? · 8:17pm Feb 14th, 2023

okey, so it turns out that Bismarck, yes, THAT Bismarck, the ship that sunk HMS Hood, got Launched 14th Feb 1939... sooooo happy birthday to the king of the European Seas?

Report MikiStenbeck · 116 views · #WW2 related.
Comments ( 129 )
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I'm not a group admin, sorry man.

Group? i'm talking about Positive Ponies' Discord. but if you can't, that's fine.

ehhhhhhummm i certainly hope so,

(on an unrelated note i would very much like if you could something/anything to make the discord running again.)

Oh, so you're going to be okay then?





thank you, but, as said to DeadWheat, it's something some doctors have said when i was little, your not ment to say things like this to a child, can and will mess up an adult. thing is..... it from the best doctors Denmark has/had.

he makes it sound like i am goona die, it's something some doctors have said when i was little, your not ment to say things like this to a child, can and will mess up an adult.

Stay strong, fellow human. Though circumstances seem dire, it's never as hopeless as it seems.

"The greater hopelessness becomes, the greater the chance of a miracle."

I heard about what you are facing, and while I may not be able to do much, you have my support, and if there's anything I can do, send me a PM and here's hoping for the best.

Hugs! "hugs him gently" :heart:

I'm so sorry about your current situation. This is very terrible.

Darth Severus says you might pass soon. I'm really sorry that you have to go through something like this.

"pinkie's skeleton smiley face.

mine just for the Face. XD

My reaction when Read the lore for the faction

oh my holy mercy... BE GONE


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