• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen March 28th


"Everything in the world is either coffee or not coffee."

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Scootaloo's Return · 9:11pm Nov 5th, 2018

Hey, everyone!

Just got finished with a story that turned into a collab between myself and Bronyxy, who is a great writer to work with and has his own amazing stories (which you should check out, by the way)!

TScootaloo's Return
Scootaloo ran from Ponyville a long time ago. Why?
RebelNarrator45 · 26k words  ·  52  2 · 2.2k views

I've also got plenty of other stories you can check out, too!

Report RebelNarrator45 · 450 views ·
Comments ( 114 )
  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114
Comment posted by Wysteria deleted Mar 27th, 2022

it's so sad that rebelnarrator died of ligma

You are a wonderful human being filled with love, kindness and intelligence.

also, in case your wondering, static1.e621.net/data/6c/8e/6c8ebc53922356e7aa94963a95bc1e51.jpg <----- that's the Picture i had before, isn't that the most adorable picture of Toothless?

  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114
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