• Member Since 25th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen Saturday


I was once a god, but now just stone, but do not feel sad for my weeping for if you blink. IM BACK


Love, Death + Robots · 4:12am May 18th, 2021

So since you clicked on this post or are just reading this I’ll assume that you have already seen or at least heard of the anthology Love, Death + Robots on Netflix. Now I’d want to see some of those stories either ponified or something along those lines in MLP.

For example the three robots from episode 1 after escaping the Catpocalypse they decide to visit equestria.

Or maybe the time loops espisode where two ponies see themselves get murdered by the other and decide to kill the other.

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Thanks for favoriting Once per Day

I was told to give you this, on the house. 🎂

And thank you for the watch too. :twilightsmile:

Level Up! You have earned the Achievement: Thank you for having added High Score! to your favorites! Keep reading, I mean playing, if you want to grind to a 100 percent completion! :rainbowwild:

HEEYYY!!! Thanks for the favorite!

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