• Member Since 5th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I'm a crossover fanatic with a special taste for video games and auto racing. I can turn any video game into a MLP crossover if I have played it. Lightning Dust is my character of choice for writing.

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So... have you been wondering what happened? · 4:46am April 7th

So, those who followed me might have noticed that in the summer in 2023 I disappeared seemingly out of nowhere with little reason, purging almost all of my stories and vanishing. it's time to talk about that.

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Report RDgamer321 · 91 views · Story: Storm Gateway ·
Comments ( 55 )
  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55

Yeah, I had been tracking it but hadn't favorited it.

Thanks for the follow, V... even thought you had favourited before. I must have been blind


I found this cool Batman AI self-help video that could potentially help out you know who.


Just want to also help him to change for the better, before it's too late. If not, then I got nothing else to do. :pinkiesad2:

Currently waiting on word from the moderators. I'll make an announcement on my blog when the move occurs. I appreciate the follow and thank you for your concern.

Hey, are you gonna get his stories soon?

  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55
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