• Member Since 12th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Car lover, story reader, and inconsistent writer. He/him.

About Me

I'm a guy who's loved cars since he was a little kid and much later took a liking to FiM. It started out as just viewing images from various people on the 'net, but I wrote an FiM fanfic of myself sometime after finishing the original Fallout: Equestria, and things took off from there. My updating schedule is typically inconsistent because of random bouts of writer's block and temporary loss of interest, but I still try to see my stories get completed.

The atmosphere of my stories is also inconsistent, though less so than my updating schedule; I do like dark (or just darker) themed stories, but I admittedly am still a softy underneath, hence why I'll sometimes write fluff. Overall, I'm a mixed bag. Most of my stories don't have a cover image because I can't find fitting images on the Internet, and I either don't have the money to commission an artist, don't know how to pay one, don't know what I want to be in the image, don't know who accepts commissions, or don't know who can draw what I'd like; typically, it's all six of those reasons at once.

I'm also a gamer, and though most of the games I play are racing or at least auto-focused, I also currently play (and have in the past) played games in other genres, though car games are still my favorite, as well as what I'm best at.

Other stuff about me:

Current residence: U.S.A.
Current age: 19
Current job: unemployed :(
Job I'd like: auto mechanic
Favorite species: bat pony/thestral


Facts about Fast and Furious · 5:28pm June 2nd

My favorite movie franchise turns 23 this year, so to celebrate, here are facts that you may not have known.

The Fast and The Furious

The opening heist is based on the carriage heist from the 1939 film Stagecoach.

The fistfight between Brian and Vince was originally choreographed by Paul Walker and Matt Schulze. They thought that the result didn’t look right, so they improvised instead.

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Comments ( 348 )
  • Viewing 344 - 348 of 348

And now thanks for shelving Walk-ins Welcome!

Thanks for adding Lore of the Sea of Legends to your Library. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for your interest in my story, Relapse!

Thank you for fave on Luna Angels. By the way do you know any good car/motorcycle names for the story?

  • Viewing 344 - 348 of 348
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