• Member Since 8th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen March 7th


A writer of primarily dark fics, who lives in Australia and hopes to become a published author. Current main project is Conviction, one of the sweetest little stories ever written.

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In a Schlump · 11:41am Apr 14th, 2015

The title says it. I haven't written anything of real substance in ages, and despite being quite frustrated with that I can never seem to write anything whenever I sit down to do so.

Normally I wouldn't want to make fairly frivolous posts like this, but I've decided to make an effort to communicate with you guys a little better.

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I’ll PM you. Thanks for checking in.

I've popped in for my yearly checkup, how ya doing, how's all going over there?
I see you're still around, which is a lot more than some authors can say for their-selves, which piques my curiosity, what are your plans with your works here? Or you reckon you're about done with em eh.

Comment posted by Kilobytes deleted Mar 26th, 2017

Honestly, I haven'r felt motivated to write anything pony related in quite a while. I've reached the point where I'm officially sick of being unable to tell most people I write as a hobby because almost all my stuff is MLP related.

That said, I have a habit of recycling ideas and even though a direct conversion to a normal novel for Conviction didn't really work, I'm determined to finish that story in one form or another. I love it too much to just kill it.

So, what's going on, what's the current situation with both you and your stories?

  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51
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