• Member Since 16th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2017

Sir Alexander Wolfgang

I'm a brony, I'm a fan of this life, and I often fap. Oh, and I write, too.


Tis I · 1:57am Oct 14th, 2013

I'd post a picture or something, if I know how. Just here to say I'm writing some again.

Report Sir Alexander Wolfgang · 367 views ·
Comments ( 11 )
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722771 Thanks so much for this. It does a lot just to know you remember, and still care. Thanks again, and much more.

Wow. However did you manage to perch on my upper lip without my knowing? :pinkiegasp:
Are you a ninja? :pinkiehappy:

Thanks so much for favoriting An Old World for Fluttershy!!! :yay:

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