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Past SinsCan Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past?by Pen Stroke
201,810 words
· 12,658 · 381
Another Top 5, becasue I can
HiE - A Hollow in EquestriaUlquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his caseby Charlie_K
1,261,058 words
· 1,839 · 164
Let the Silence SingCelestia decides that Big Mac's barn is an excellent place to take naps. Big Mac decides that Celestia is a welcome Aegis Shield
14,189 words
· 1,901 · 61
Twilight Sparkle Lays An EggPrincess Twilight Sparkle discovers a fact about alicorn reproduction she never expected. So do the other Georg
3,467 words
· 2,102 · 21
Princess Cadance's Lonely Hearts Club LandLook at all of the lonely ponies, where do they all come from? Furious Funnel comes from Appleloosa, and he's looking for somepony to be with him when he's sixty kudzuhaiku
45,313 words
· 305 · 11
2443137 I read Quatro ages ago, and today saw Kick About, los lobos at the bottom of another fic I was reading being recommended. I have no idea why I never followed you initially, but I have added yet another fic to my continually growing to read mountain
2443137 I read Quatro ages ago, and today saw Kick About, los lobos at the bottom of another fic I was reading being recommended. I have no idea why I never followed you initially, but I have added yet another fic to my continually growing to read mountain
Thanks for the follow, good sir. May I ask how I got your attention?
Hiyah! Thanks for the favorite on The Immortal's Burden, I'm really glad that you enjoyed it!
Thanks for giving Woundsalt a little love!
Thanks for the watch and the fave on The Twilight Enigma!