• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 5th, 2018



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Thanks for the fave! Hope you enjoyed, and continue to enjoy!

to all of my followers:

as of tonight, I am officially writing the first chapter of the sequel to "My Daughter Maree", which shall be entitled "Dusk Village". To those of you who have not yet been told, the first chapter (possibly chapters?) will be released August 25th (Saturday), sometime between 10:00pm-11:00pm EST. Be sure to check it out, leave comments, and let me know what you all think .We'll see you then. For now, I've got work to do!

Finished it, loved it, finished Creativi-tea as well...now...I need more!.

It was a brilliant story and I can't wait to see what happens next, though there was some minor spelling mistakes. Not horrible ones, but ones that Spellchecker skips over because it is the actual spelling but not the right word...For instance, Whilst and Whiles.

But as for the story, it's so far the best read I have had in years, I'm very picky about what I read and usually get bored within the first three paragraphs. Your story is sucking me in, tugging at my very soul, I found it difficult to even look away from my monitor while reading it, I feel compelled to print it out, draw some cover art, laminate it and bind it so it can sit on my shelf proudly for any future reading.

Squeee! Did you finish?! What did you think of the Ending?!

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