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Notice: Overhaul and Hiatus · 11:42am Apr 5th, 2016
How are you doing, Fimfic Readers? The last couple weeks have been tougher on me than usual, and now, unfortunately, I have hit a brick wall: writer's block, the result of which is that my released chapters have nearly caught up with my drafted chapters. I'm also at one of those humps where I know what I want to happen after, but not exactly what I want to happen now. But the best way to cure it is to write. Urgh, so frustrating! I also feel as though my writing may be losing some
2169011 That is indeed my intent, so don't worry: I will put them back up when I have them ready.
I also intend to name things that haven't been so far, such as the sun, planet, and continent. I will also be using a single established timeframe of 30 months per Equestrian year (39 episodes to seasons 1-3) even if it turns out to be canonically wrong. I doubt the show writers will nail down that detail, though, since they haven't already.
Kinda wish I hadn't put reading the 2nd and 3rd stories off now. But if it means they will come back better than ever then I am willing to wait.
Well, I'll be waiting for the revised version
1858778 Oh? Which one have you read? And do you have any advice on how I could continue to improve?