Three close friends reside in an underground community where they can live without worrying about being ambushed; not the happiest life, but good enough. Except at the same time it isn't, as there are only a handful of places in Equestria where outcasts can truly live in peace and happiness. The most obvious one is their final destination.
The bad part: they have to get there while being pursued by the government, the Elements of Harmony, and a twisted organization that would gladly see them killed. Luckily they've got razor-sharp wits, deadly weapons, an otherworldly machine that can fell an ill-prepared army almost entirely by itself, and others that support them.
But some can't help but wonder: are the trio really monsters, or are they really once-ordinary ponies that were simply pushed too far past their limits?
Inspired by Warframe: The Planet Equin Incident, The Phantom Pony of Everfree, and Shadow Men: Where Light Can't Touch; I definitely recommend giving any of them a read whenever you have the chance, they're terrific. Also, if anyone can think of a better title, I'd love to hear it.
Oh all be damned i helped influence someone! I feel special, I shall give this a read
7142815 Thanks! May I ask what you thought of it?
7154201 Its pretty good i need to read the second chapter though