• Member Since 18th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


If you miss a line in the game, you reset. You miss it on the track... You could die.

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Blog Posts

  • 102 weeks
    Formula Shy - Extending the Season

    Hi guys,

    I'm still stuck with my Formula Shy story. However, I decided to do something bigger.

    While trying to recreate the 16 race calendar I originally planned, I noticed that I crossed out so many GPs before Spa. So, I will extend it to a 20 race season, because I will NOT miss out on the chance to have Melbourne as the season opener.

    I'll get to revising the current chapters ASAP, so always refresh the story if you get a chance to come back.

    - Rushing Wind

    0 comments · 144 views
  • 102 weeks
    Fomula Shy - Important Notice

    Hi guys,

    Sorry to say this, but I have no good news. Earlier this day, I wanted to start a Driver Career in F1 22, only to discover that the 76 I originally planned for Fluttershy was not available.

    Luckily, I found another number I can use, which is the 26. So I might revise the chapters I have written so far, but regarding the chapters themselves, I need to find some time to write them.

    I'll let you guys know when there's further information. Thank you for your understanding.

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    0 comments · 169 views
  • 106 weeks
    Formula Shy - Important Information

    Hi guys,

    I know most of you desperately await the next chapter of my story "Formula Shy", but unfortunately, I'm a bit stuck right now. And also, I totally forgot that some tracks this year also have a Sprint Race, which also gives points. Which means I need to get back to the drawing board and recalculate everything regarding points so that the story will end as intended.

    Because of this, I will put the story on Hiatus until further notice.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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    0 comments · 166 views
  • 113 weeks
    Formula Shy - It's time!

    The first race in Melbourne is about to start. How do you think will Fluttershy do in her Formula 1 debut?

    Read the story to find out!

    Have fun!

    - Rushing Wind

    0 comments · 165 views
  • 114 weeks
    Formula Shy - The first Qualifying!

    All current and future Formula Shy readers,

    I recently put up the first Qualifying. Now you get to see for the first time how Fluttershy will perform at the limit of her car.

    Enjoy it!

    - Rushing Wind

    0 comments · 143 views


- Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash :rainbowdetermined2:
- Favorite Equestria Girl: Fluttershy :yay:
- Favorite Game: Forza Horizon 3
- Favorite Ship: AppleDash

If there's one thing that my stories will most likely contain, it's either Pony Rainbow Dash or EG Fluttershy.

Life is short. And you need to enjoy every second, no matter how fast it passes by.

Have fun with my stories once they pop up.

Information about my OC, Rushing Wind

As you may see in my profile picture, Rushing Wind is a two-tone grey Pegasus stallion with a wild black mane and tail. His cutie mark resembles a white checkered flag, showing that he is a talented racer who loves a nice race every now and then.

What makes him different from other Pegasi, though, is that he originally came from the Equestria Girls realm. In the Pony world, he met Rainbow Dash, and together, the two went through a lot of nightmarish adventures. After those, Rushing Wind decided to stay in Ponyville, with Rainbow Dash and the Mane 6.

In the Equestria Girls realm, due to being a talented racer, Rushing Wind had the nickname "Racer". Pony Rainbow Dash sometimes refers to him as "Rush".

I'm planning to write a story about Rushing Wind's past, showing how he became the Pegasus he is now. It will be a super long one, so be on the lookout for that.

Story Status

- Scootaloo's Race: Chapter 13 just recently released. Chapter 14 is in the works.
- Rushing Wind's Story: Finished the Prologue, but I'm stuck with the story. May take more time, it will be a long one.
- My Little Pony: Horizon Adventures: A little bit stuck with Chapter 2. I might put the story on Hiatus until further notice.
- Streakershy: Completed.

Other stories are also in the works, so be on the lookout for them.


Formula Shy - Extending the Season · 8:33pm Aug 12th, 2022

Hi guys,

I'm still stuck with my Formula Shy story. However, I decided to do something bigger.

While trying to recreate the 16 race calendar I originally planned, I noticed that I crossed out so many GPs before Spa. So, I will extend it to a 20 race season, because I will NOT miss out on the chance to have Melbourne as the season opener.

I'll get to revising the current chapters ASAP, so always refresh the story if you get a chance to come back.

- Rushing Wind

Report RushingWind-01 · 144 views · Story: Formula Shy ·
Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

Thanks for adding Cupcakes vs. Tacos to your library. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for liking my Flutterball story

Okay, I'm just reminding you to remember to change your clocks

Not yet. That'll be this Sunday.

Hey, RishingWind-01 did you change your clocks?

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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