• Member Since 6th Jun, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Just a stallion with autism on Fimfiction who may or may not be a huge Celestia simp. 18 years old. he/him

Blog Posts

  • 5 weeks
    Idea for a Fanfic

    Guys, I have an announcement to make. I’m currently working on will probably be my first fanfic ever, a crossover between MLP: FiM and the Kirby: Right Back at Ya Anime. Except not just a crossover, but an AU in which the events of both shows take place in the same universe. Basically, combing the lore of the two. Some episodes/chapters will be in different order or even completely altered, and there will be various changes to the canon plot lines of both shows as well, though I won’t be

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    0 comments · 11 views

Idea for a Fanfic · 6:23pm June 20th

Guys, I have an announcement to make. I’m currently working on will probably be my first fanfic ever, a crossover between MLP: FiM and the Kirby: Right Back at Ya Anime. Except not just a crossover, but an AU in which the events of both shows take place in the same universe. Basically, combing the lore of the two. Some episodes/chapters will be in different order or even completely altered, and there will be various changes to the canon plot lines of both shows as well, though I won’t be

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Report Oscar10102324 · 11 views ·
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Thanks for the watch

Thanks for the fav

Thanks fir favoring Spikes Apology :)

Thanks for adding "The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity" to your favorites. Glad you like it :twilightsmile:

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