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Silver Wit

Writer, aspiring artist and all around nerd boy. Who'd LOVE to write a featured story XD

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  • 94 weeks
    Tis the Season.

    Ah, it's that magical time of year again everyone. Christmas time is my favorite time of year, the lights, the decorations, the heartwarming feeling of friends and family coming together, it all just comes together into a nice fuzzy feeling for me. I know Halloween gets all the praise as being everyone's favorite holiday, and it was mine when I was younger. But as I got older, I found myself loving the Christmas season more and more.

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  • 103 weeks
    My Thoughts on G5 (so far)

    Ah, "My Little Pony: The Next Generation." What a great movie that was. The plot wasn't the strongest in the world, but it had heart and genuine love behind it. The characters where fun, the settings were cool and it had just the right touch of call backs to G4 to make the world interesting and intriguing about the world after Twilight's reign and the fall of "old Equestria." And then there was "Make your Mark part 1." Also a lot of fun and made Zipp a more prominent character, even if

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  • 120 weeks
    Of what's to come.

    Hello to my readers out there! This won't be a long post, just wanted to say that I'm actually making some strides for Life and Times! Finally finished the next chapter (it was a doozy) but in the time I spent scratching my head and wondering where I'm supposed to go next, I also took time to write future chapters, aka what I knew was going to happen next. So after a few days, I'll get started on the re-write, for the next chapter, then the chapter after that and by then I should have a

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  • 129 weeks
    Back to my Roots.

    So a quick "fyi" to my readers, but something amazing happened. What was this amazing event? Well, a few weeks back the New York International Children's Film Festival took place in wonderful Manhattan and I was excited to see that they were going to have in person screenings. Why is that big news? Aside from the fact that we might be going back to some sense of normalcy, I absolutely love the movie theater experience. Getting immersed in the world of the film, the darkness

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  • 143 weeks
    The Return.

    Hey all, been a while since I've made a blog post. Just wanted to let you all know that I've been working on new chapters for the stories I've been neglecting for a while. Expect a new chapter of The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity and a new chapter of Over the Moon in the coming days. :pinkiesmile:

    2 comments · 170 views

Tis the Season. · 8:41pm Dec 15th, 2022

Ah, it's that magical time of year again everyone. Christmas time is my favorite time of year, the lights, the decorations, the heartwarming feeling of friends and family coming together, it all just comes together into a nice fuzzy feeling for me. I know Halloween gets all the praise as being everyone's favorite holiday, and it was mine when I was younger. But as I got older, I found myself loving the Christmas season more and more.

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Report Silver Wit · 177 views · Story: Rarity's Gift ·
Comments ( 78 )
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Of course.

I agree with you about “Reflections”, though. It may not have kept up with the show continuity, but its writing was incredibly strong and well-done in its own way. Heck, it’s one out of many comic arcs that I’d love to see be adapted for the screen too, albeit with some slight changes for continuity reasons.

Interesting, cause I thought Siege was pretty good. Not as good as Reflections, but it was still good. To each their own I suppose

I’ll take your word for it.

I guess, in the end, this was ultimately a reason for why Siege is one of my least favorite MLP comics. There were things about its overall direction and story that left me feeling agitated and confused more than anything else, and instead of feeling happy that Hope got to have Sombra back & that he became good, I was angered by it.

It's my theory (or headcanon I suppose) that the two worlds being cut off from each other for a time is why Prime Sombra was still bad and him being good with Radiant Hope's help is a genuine change of heart since it's with her help that he was able to essentially shed his darker self, and why there's two good Celestias and Lunas and no issues have happened. But at the end of the day, the best thing I can tell you is that I am writing this part of my story with care and I intend to keep it as consistent as possible.

You’re saying that Sombra-Prime reforming while Alternate-Sombra remaining evil wouldn’t cause a problem for the two universes due to getting completely cut off, right?

I mean, Alternate-Sombra was good while Sombra-Prime was evil, whereas Alternate-Celestia was evil while Celestia-Prime was good. And the personalities of the alternate versions were switched to be just like the prime versions.

Wouldn’t that mean Sombra-Prime was secretly still evil despite seemingly becoming a good guy in Siege?

I’m sorry if the question seems repetitive, it just feels…confusing to me.

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