• Member Since 20th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


MLP x Forza is my jam. Massive car fanatic. I made this account to keep up to date with Spectacular Seven by Albi

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Blog Posts

  • 2 weeks
    Here we go...here we go... (My bi-yearly excuse-fest, so strap in)

    On a mission, not undercover...and I feel like I'm in control?

    ..Shout out to anyone who's recently heard that Totally Spies is getting a reboot/7th season!

    —Anyway, it's certainly been a while, hasn't it? I've been MIA since... jeez, March now, and unfortunately I've kinda let things go a little bit. It's been alluded to briefly in past blogs since December that I've been working at a new job, have been since late October actually.

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    1 comments · 17 views
  • 19 weeks
    Images broke; trying to fix.

    Not the first blog I wanted to upload in 2024 but basically I was reading back some past chapters and noticed all the flipping images have Error 404'd out of existence. (same with the blogs too) They're all links to a discord server I have set up for storing the pics, idk maybe discord bugged out but they should be up again soon. Sorry if anyone noticed this and it impacted your enjoyment of the fic. If it happens again and you spot it do let me know, cheers guys.

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    1 comments · 69 views
  • 32 weeks
    Road Racing: The Goliath... PART ONE?!

    Yes, you read that right. There is now a new chapter of The Horizon Adventures up for your reading pleasure.

    And it is part fucking one.

    I'm basically doing what I silently vowed never to do, split chapters, but if I'm real with you... This chapter would've literally ended up well over 20k words if I included the final race in there.

    As well as that, I had some last minute plot ideas and thought it would be nice to implement them.

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    0 comments · 61 views
  • 33 weeks
    Sit rep with my life at the moment; update.

    Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well as we move into the middle of the Christmas season!

    I, for one, couldn't really care less about Christmas but it feels weird that we're about to go into 2024.

    Oh yeah, did yall see the GTA VI trailer? What's the betting that I still won't have The Horizon Adventures complete before then?!

    I joke, but I do have some news and updates on how that's coming along;

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    0 comments · 78 views
  • 39 weeks
    Albi needs a lil help

    Hey peeps

    Dropping in here quick to boost an update Albi dropped yesterday. They were in a car accident, or more accurately a van accident. Thank the stars they're okay but need a little bit of help regarding some fees related to it.

    GoFundMe link is here.

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    0 comments · 84 views

Here we go...here we go... (My bi-yearly excuse-fest, so strap in) · 11:45pm July 6th

On a mission, not undercover...and I feel like I'm in control?

..Shout out to anyone who's recently heard that Totally Spies is getting a reboot/7th season!

—Anyway, it's certainly been a while, hasn't it? I've been MIA since... jeez, March now, and unfortunately I've kinda let things go a little bit. It's been alluded to briefly in past blogs since December that I've been working at a new job, have been since late October actually.

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Comments ( 47 )
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories such as You’ll Never Walk Alone and A Sweet Tooth if you prefer something darker.

Thank you for reading friend!:rainbowwild:

👍 No worries mate

Thanks for the follow and the favourite

A favorite pairing of mine, expect more.

GT3RS #43 · Apr 4th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Yw :twilightsmile: love a good Wallflower story

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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