• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 7,412 Views, 504 Comments

The Titans' Orb - Mister Horncastle

Callum lives a miserable life on Earth. But that is soon to change, when some unexpected visitors change his life forever.

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Chapter Two: Unexpected Visitors

The others headed back behind the shed, and I heard a slight fizzle; looking back, I found that they were gone without a trace, almost as though they had never been there at all.

{Was that all truly real? Or did I just have a complete and utter mental breakdown?} I thought to myself.

No, I had felt Rainbow Dash’s hoof, I really had, I felt it! Perhaps Twilight had just used some sort of cloaking spell? How else could they have remained hidden over there for the past two weeks?

{Guess I’ll find out tomorrow.} I thought as I pulled on the back door handle and went into the house.

“And where have you been?” my mother’s stern voice demanded as I closed the door behind me.

By the looks of things, she had been waiting for me the whole time.

“I was putting the chickens to bed, just like you told me to do.” I answered sheepishly.

“Then why’d you take so long?”

“I uh... I saw, a fox! A really big mangy fox, going for the chickens! Horrid old thing, I was just chasing it off.”

She glared at me, fully aware that I was lying to her, but there was no way she could prove that. She opened her mouth to speak, but clearly had nothing to say; her breath stunk of whisky, Jack Daniels to be specific, her favourite.

“Go to bed.” she eventually ordered.

“It’s not even ten o’clock yet.”

Once again, I found myself being slapped across the face. It wasn’t a hard slap, quite pathetic actually; it was more of an impulsive reaction at this point, for her to just subconsciously lash out at anything that didn’t suit her narrative.

“Don’t answer back, cocky little boy.” she muttered, walking off to watch TV in the lounge.

She had a really weird obsession with calling me ‘boy’, as though it took something away from me; she seemed to enjoy denying me of hearing my own name. I was used to this by now, but I still found it hard to think that she could treat her own son like this; the good nature of the ponies had given me a slight reality check, which in retrospect, was rather absurd.
Ponies, literal talking cartoon ponies, were giving me a better grasp on reality.

{Oh crap!} I thought to myself, {I hope that didn’t dispel Twilight’s spell...}

I ran to the large glass sliding door in the dining room, as it faced out to the garden; I then spoke quietly.

“So uh, I don’t know how this works exactly, or if you can even hear me right now. But Twilight, if you’re still there, can you please shine a light or something, to let me know if your spell is okay?”

After a brief moment of nothing, I was relieved to see a faint amethyst glow at the back of the garden. It was only there for half a second, before it disappeared again.

“Well okay then...” I hummed, gulping.

Just the mere thought of the word made me quiver with wonder, this all had so many implications on the reality of not just my life, but the whole universe. Not only did this disprove God, but it also disproved our known science! There really was magic in the world, which meant that all sorts of things were possible. There were so many cultures and legends across history that referred to magic-wielding individuals, from Medieval Europe’s Merlin and Virgil, to Ancient Greece’s Circe; even West Africa had Soumaoro Kanté, the Sorcerer King. Perhaps stories in the Bible could be attributed to magic too! Maybe Moses really did exist, but rather than being aided by God, he had simply parted the Red Sea himself?
Moving on from magic, the ponies themselves were here now, which implied there was more than one universe! How many other worlds existed out there? Did that include more human-created ones? If Equestria existed, it was perfectly reasonable to assume there might also be a Middle-Earth out there, or a Cybertron, or even a Galaxy Far Far Away!

The list of possibilities was endless, but before I could lose myself in the theoretical hysteria, I remembered that I was being monitored by the ponies, and didn’t want to awkwardly stand there, absorbed in thought. Seeing as I’d been instructed to go to bed, I took myself to my bedroom and turned on my laptop.

{I’d better be careful with what I do on this now...} I thought to myself.

It felt rather strange knowing that the girls were currently seeing everything that I was seeing, by way of this monitoring spell. Thank goodness that I hadn’t been watching any porn recently; I had been feeling so depressed lately that I was just never in the mood for such things. Thanks mental health, I guess?

After a little while of playing an old video game called Spore (which I saw no harm in playing), I got into bed. Switching off the light, I got under the covers and closed my eyes, and drifted off wondering about what tomorrow would bring, and just how potentially life-changing it could be...

I woke early the next day, to a loud banging noise. It was coming from the room next to me; my brother’s room. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and stretched, before changing into a fresh set of clothes. As I went for the door handle, I noticed that the banging in the room next to me had stopped. I opened my door, and upon taking just a single step, a hand came from around the corner and smacked me in the forehead.

“Rise and shine, dick wad!”

Following the hand, came Oliver’s goofy face, plastered with a cheesy grin.

“Ugh, hi.” I replied dully.

“You’re up early, I thought your depressed mug didn’t surface ‘til noon!” he teased, “Are you going off to a friend’s house or something? Oh wait, you’d need real friends for that!”

“I thought you were at a friend’s house?” I pointed out, ignoring his jab.

“Forgot some shit, so I came back to pick it up. Don’t worry, you’ll have the whole house to yourself to cry about how much you ‘hate your life’, or whatever it is you do when you’re alone.”

“Mainly I just wank over your bedsheets.”

“Explains the smell.” he mused.

Tutting, I pointed out that he was in fact the reason I was up so early, on account of all the banging and thumping in his room.

“What the hell were you doing in there?” I asked.

“Training, duh. You know I’ll be joining the Royal Marines next year, I was practising my moves!”

He clenched his fists and started to box the air, and then threw a punch that missed my nose by mere millimetres, my obvious reaction was to move my head backwards to avoid it.

“Hah, you flinched!”

Oliver then punched me in the gut, hard, causing me to bend over in pain and wheeze, now winded. He did this a fair amount, in what he called ‘testing my measure’, an activity where he’d attempt to make me flinch, and punish me if I did.

“What did I ever do to you?” I said, trying to hold back tears.

“You were born, Princess.”

He then noticed my eyes watering, and let out an irritated groan.

“Really? You’re going to cry? Man up Callum, it was just a gut-punch. I thought you were a bloody boxer! Seriously bro, I’ve seen wet paper with more durability, I reckon you’d lose a fight against a fuckin’ summer breeze.”

Delving into a bit, Oliver pulled his phone out of his pocket and pretended to talk to someone else over a walkie talkie, and threw on a stupid gravelly American accent, as though he were some sort of Drill Sergeant.

“Hello, Corporal? Yeah I’ve got Private Pussy here. I’m putting out an official advisory to keep him away from strong winds!”

Managing to fight back the tears, I sniffed and looked him in the eye.

“So, when are you actually pissing off to your friend’s house?” I asked him as calmly as I could.

Yawning, he took a big stretch and then shrugged.

“I’m getting the train in a few minutes, why?”

“Just wondering.”

Giving an uninterested hum, he went back into his room and started playing music from his phone, Black Betty by Ram Jam if I wasn’t mistaken; despite my dislike for him, there was no denying that he had a decent taste in music.

I headed downstairs and greeted a very happy-to-see-me Chilli, she stood onto her hind legs and pawed at my shins until I squatted down to give her a cuddle. Archer then decided to follow suit, standing up and lumbering over to me in order to give me a friendly dog-kiss, engulfing the right side of my face with his enormous tongue.

“Hello to you too, big boy.” I grumbled playfully.

Scratching the deerhound’s neck and giving him a few pats, I got up and went to eat breakfast, I went and poured myself some cereal, I sat down in the dining room and began to eat, when I was sure that my brother was still upstairs, I mumbled out loud.

“You still there guys?”

Looking up from the table and out of the glass door, I spotted Pinkie Pie’s head quickly pop out from behind the shed, and then vanish behind it again. Needless to say, I was now absolutely beaming, I had never felt this kind of joy in all my life, not even on Christmas morning, yesterday it was like a dream, but now I knew for certain that I was awake.
The mane six were real, and they were in my garden.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I said aloud, smirking.

Eating as quickly as I could, I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the dishwasher, I then heard footsteps from above me, and then my brother shouting from the top of the stairs.

Tally ho!

An earth shattering thud rippled through the house, my brother had been jumping down the stairs since he was about seven, even though it had been strictly forbidden. Alas, Oliver being Oliver, he quite simply didn’t give a shit.
To put it in his own words...
If you can afford hard-wood floors, you can afford someone damaging your hard-wood floors.

How many times have I told you about jumping down those fucking stairs?” boomed the voice of my now livid mother.

I then heard her footsteps thud on the floor above, I walked into the hallway and threw my arms up.

“Well done Oliver, now you’ve gone and pissed her off.”

A sly, sickly smile crept up onto his face. He opened the front door and grinned deviously.

“I know, it was my intent, and now she’s all yours, good luck! Later, fucker!”

He jumped out the doorway, took a little bow, and slammed the door shut. I turned around to see my mother standing a matter of centimetres away from me; I could smell her morning breath, a mixture of whiskey, last night’s dinner, and most likely the corpse of her previous victim. Wrinkling my nose in anticipation, I prepared myself for a hiding.

“What have I told you about jumping down the stairs?”

I nervously took a step back, the noise evidently woke her up, as she was far more pissed off than usual, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going to happen next.

“It was Oliver, I promise.”

“Don’t lie to me!” she yelled.

She strode towards me with her arm raised; and as her hand came down, I instinctively put my arm out to block the impact, she grabbed my wrist and with her other hand she whacked me on the side of the head.

“Get off me you crazy old woman!” I yelled back with my hand against my head.

As I backed away she shoved me with both hands, I fell over and the back of my head smacked against the radiator, I cried out in pain and dropped to my knees and covered my face to avoid any further abuse.

“Oh grow up, you’re not hurt! You wimpy little boy!”

She sounded like she couldn’t care less, but as I looked up at her from the floor and into her eyes, I spotted a very rare occurrence, remorse. It seemed that this wicked old hag had actually felt bad for what she’d done for once, and without saying another word, she stormed upstairs. Picking myself up, I headed into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast, along with an ice pack from the freezer to soothe the now-throbbing bump on my head. There was no doubt that Twilight’s spell had been broken upon such a knock; I just hoped that none of them had been watching when it happened.

About five minutes later, my mother came back downstairs, now dressed in some casual clothes (if a poncho could be considered casual), instead of her wine-stained dressing gown.

“I’m going. Touch any of my drinks, and you’re out of the house for good.”

She wasn’t bluffing either, for she had done it before when I was twelve; I had poured all the wine down the sink because I couldn’t cope with her drinking anymore. She had beaten me senseless until I was black and blue, and then kicked me out into the garden, I had to sleep in the shed for a couple nights. Oliver admittedly felt bad and brought me leftovers from dinner after the first night on an empty stomach. It was only when dad came home from a business trip did he realise I had been locked outside, and let me back in; the argument that followed was insane. She had never apologised for doing it, and I knew that she never would.

Opening the front door, she stepped out and slammed it shut without saying goodbye. Home alone at last; I took an almighty sigh of relief, followed by a little cry. After gathering myself and drying my eyes, I prepared to host six very unexpected guests, this was hardly going to be a most conventional Sunday morning!
I wanted to make my welcome as warm as possible, especially for Twilight, and headed upstairs to gather some books that could be useful to her, I also tidied my room so Rarity wouldn’t make a fuss.
When I was finished, I went downstairs and into the garden; I was quivering with excitement, I was absolutely ecstatic. To think, in a only matter of seconds I was going to see, and talk to, the Mane Six again, and it would truly confirm for good that everything I’d experienced so far, was real.
I stood in the middle of the garden and waved both my arms.

It’s all safe, you can come out now!

I took a safe bet and guessed who would be the first pony to reveal herself, and was right; Pinkie bounced out from behind the shed, squeaking with joy.

“Oh oh, I can’t wait to see the inside of an alien’s house! I’m so excited, aren’t you all excited? Oh my gosh I’ve never been so excited, well except for that one time when I ate a whole bag of sugar then jumped around the rooftops of Ponyville for an hour, but how can you top that!?”

The next to emerge was Rainbow Dash, followed by Applejack, then Rarity. Fluttershy and Twilight nervously came out together, I could understand why Fluttershy would be anxious, that was her very personality, but something was up with Twilight; I could tell that she didn’t trust me, which I could understand, but she seemed afraid, really afraid, I could see it in her eyes from the moment I could look into them. She honestly looked like she had just seen her worst nightmare, something sinister was clearly plaguing her mind, I was desperate to find out, and decided that I’d ask her later.

“Please make yourselves at home,” I smiled, “just be sure to wipe your hooves on the mat when you come in.”

I said it in a jokey way, but I feared what would happen if my mum found hoof prints in the house of all things, I knew what would happen. First she’d go nuts, then she’d ask me how they got there, then I’d be forced to lie, and then she’d gut me alive for the sake of it. By the looks of things the ponies were thinking the same thing.
I headed to the back door and held it open for everyone, wanting to be as hospitable as I could; thankfully none of them noticed my hands shaking. As soon as Pinkie had entered the house she was whizzing back and forward from the lounge to the kitchen squeaking with delight, the others entered in the same order as before.

“Oh such a gentlecolt.” Rarity said as she walked past.

I chuckled sympathetically, but I didn’t correct her, I’d teach them the difference in human dialect later when we were more acquainted. Fluttershy looked at me cautiously as she went by, she didn’t say anything but she nodded her head to say thanks, I was sure that with time she’d become more relaxed.

“Thank you.” Twilight began, taking a single step forward.

At first I thought she had calmed down, until she continued.

“Listen here, you say that you’re no threat to us, but I don’t trust you, okay? If anything bad happens, you’re to blame.”

{Blimey, alright then...} I thought to myself.

Well something was certainly up with Twilight, from what I seen in the show, even in the most extreme situations, she had never been that rude. I wanted to ask her upfront what the matter was, but it was clear that I was already on thin ice with her. I guessed that it will be the same situation with Fluttershy, it would take time to get her to realise she was safe; I just had to keep it cool with Twilight and be a yes-man for her, I don’t want any hostility between us.

“Of course, fully understood.” I said calmly.

I gave her one of those ‘Look, I get it.’ kind of faces, so she could be sure that her message had got across; she seemed to find my response adequate and entered the house, and so I shut the door behind us. I headed into the kitchen where the other ponies were patiently waiting.

“You’ve been out there a long time, you must be hungry. What can I get for you all?”

Pinkie started jumping up and down and asked with an ear piercing volume.

“Oh, food! Food! Do you have any cupcakes?”

Funny enough, I had some chocolate cake in the fridge, I had bought it with my own money as well, so my mother wouldn’t go ballistic.

“I don’t have any cupcakes, but will chocolate cake do?”

She squealed and jumped up and down with the biggest smile on her face.

“Oh my gosh oh my gosh you have cake! Yes yes yes!”

Applejack rested her hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder and calmed her down, then she turned to me.

“Do you perhaps have anything more, savoury?”

Zipping over to the fridge and opening it, I was thankful to find that it was stocked with all sorts of vegetables, (Oliver was fond of salads); sticking to the basics, I took out some carrots and some lettuce.

“Will these do?”

“Why, they’ll do just fine, Sugarcube!”

A large smile unintentionally crept onto my face at being called Applejack’s favourite pet name of Sugarcube. I chopped up enough carrots and lettuce to make a salad that would feed the five of them, while Pinkie was happy with cake.
After that, I invited them upstairs and into my room so I could ask why they were here, and why Celestia had sent them to me specifically; Rainbow Dash and Applejack were happy sitting on the floor, while the others sat on my bed, I picked up all the books that I had gathered in the corner and handed them to Twilight. I went to my chair by the computer desk and sat down, I decided to be the one to ask the first question.

“So, let’s address the elephant in the room. What are you all doing here?”

I wasn’t surprised that Twilight didn’t answer, for she had planted her head into my ‘AQA Science’ textbook, studying it with full attention. Interestingly, it was Fluttershy whom responded, although I could barely hear her.

“Well, um... Not too long ago, um... Something from our world, something very, um, important... Well, it came here by mistake, and we’re, um, just here to get it back.”

The ponies honestly seemed just as confused about the matter as I was; Rarity finally spoke to help clear things up.

“You see darling, a rather drastic incident has befallen our world. Not all that long ago, a prisoner from Tartarus escaped, and sent a rather precious item of ours here. Thankfully, the Princess knew that Earth was a likely destination, seeing as we’ve been here before. Apparently there’s a rather strong connection between our worlds. Anyway, I digress. The item we’re looking for is extremely important, it was made by the Titans themselves!”

“Hang on a second,” I interrupted, “did you just say you’ve been here before?”

The white unicorn looked at the floor, thinking hard on the matter.

“Well yes, we supposedly came here to visit just last year... I say ‘supposedly’ because we can’t actually remember anything about it. The Princess you see, she thought it best to remove our memories of the event, something about ‘irreversible damages’ or some such. All we know is that we were here on Earth for about an hour or so. What actually happened though is quite the mystery, even to us.”

{Ho... ly... crap...} I thought to myself, almost muttering it aloud.

I cast my mind back to yesterday, when Rainbow Dash alone had expressed such a great look of perplexity and curiosity towards me; a faint shiver rippled through my body as their previous reason for being here dawned upon me.
Dashie spoke next, whom only confirmed my theory.

“It’s weird, since we started watching you, I’ve definitely been getting that feeling like I’ve been here before. There’s something about all this human stuff that I feel used to. Honestly, it kind of feels like I could have been living in a human house for years or something.”

There was no ‘or something’ about it, I knew exactly where her Déjà vu came from.
Still bearing the same intense expression from yesterday, the cyan pegasus looked at me, and I could see the whole story behind her puzzled eyes. All of it, gone from her mind; my eyes grew misty, as they always did when I read ‘My Little Dashie’...

{This can’t be... How can a fan-fiction be real?}

Such a thought was utterly absurd, and yet it seemed to be the most logical answer. I began to feel somewhat dizzy, I was completely unprepared for yet another layer to this already crazy and complex turn of events, I was losing touch with reality.

“You okay there, Sugarcube? You’re going a bit pale.”

Breathing in deeply and coming back to my senses, I blinked rapidly and sighed.

“Yeah I’m fine, just processing all this, you know? Please Rarity, go on, you said something about Titans?”

Nodding, the unicorn continued.

“Yes, there were once six grand beings, called the Holy Titans of Harmony. It was these Titans who created our world, Equus. To keep their creation safe from all things dark, the Titans created an artefact from a rare and unbreakable crystal known as titanstone. Simply known as the Titans’ Orb, its purpose is to generate a field around the planet which prevent all foreign entities from coming into contact with us, therefore protecting it from evil.”

As I processed this new information, I silently studied the ponies and the expressions they wore; I still didn’t understand why Celestia had sent them to me in the first place, I wished that I could ask her directly. Gosh, just to personally lay eyes upon the Princess of the Sun herself, I’d do anything to have such an honour; that’s finally when the thought hit me.

{What if I could go back to Equestria with the Six?}

The thought was instantly shot down however, as I remembered what Celestia had said to the writer in My Little Dashie...

’He cannot join you in our world much like how you cannot stay in his.’

It would never have been allowed, it was not my place; the girls had simply come here to retrieve something important, and then return back home. Still, even if I couldn’t go to Equestria with them, I would still help them, there was nothing for me here, I’d been miserably wasting away for years now with no aspirations other than to do something decent with my life before dying at a young age.
This was my chance, this was my ‘something decent’.

“So, I’m guessing you want my help finding it?” I asked.

“Pretty much.” Twilight replied, whom already had her head in another book.

As I looked from pony to pony, I noticed that Rarity was currently staring at my shoes with interest; after staring at them for a good few seconds, she looked up to face me.

“I do hope you don’t mind me asking, but what’s the purpose of those things attached to your paws?”

I couldn’t help but laugh in a friendly manner, I still needed to teach them about the subtle difference in language between Earth and Equus; but before I could answer, Twilight bluntly spoke on my behalf, already far more educated thanks to the science book.

“They are called shoes, and he doesn’t have paws, humans have feet.”

It began to bug me that Twilight was so on edge, but the real issue was the question of why? I had to get to the bottom of it soon, as I didn’t want to start things off on bad terms, but for now I just had to be polite as possible to gain her trust.

“You’re absolutely right, Twilight.” I said warmly.

I went on to explain that human feet were rather sensitive in comparison to hooves, and often required footwear to protect them during excursions outside one’s own home.

“My, how interesting!” Rarity exclaimed, prodding my shoe.

Chuckling, I decided to broaden subject, in hopes to generate some familiarity between us.

“So, is there anything else you’d like to know about humans? Those books leave out quite a lot.”

Yet again, Rarity was the first to ask, she seemed far more inquisitive about this world than the others.

“What kind of education system do you have here?”

And so, I explained to them how schools work in England, I touched on all areas, from the social elements to the actual subjects such as maths, science and so on. We eventually got to exchanging troves of culture as the girls drew comparisons to their own education, and I ended up learning just as much about Equestrian schools and they did about English ones.
I noticed that Twilight wasn’t reading anymore, she had been listening to me instead.

“Anything you’d like to know Twilight?” I asked.

“No, these books will do.”

All the others stared in awe at Twilight’s brusqueness, everyone had clocked on to her attitude at this point and knew it was uncalled for; Twilight looked around and quickly noticed the judgement from her friends, and faced me once more with an evidently fake smile.

“But thank you for the offer.” she quietly spoke, going back to reading.

Everyone looked back to me, waiting to see my reaction to Twilight’s behaviour; alas, I didn’t want any conflict between us and so I simply ignored her attitude.

“Alright then, anyone else?”

Looking to one another and shrugging, they couldn’t think of any further questions off the bat. Feeling like I’d perhaps put them on the spot a bit too much, I thought I’d ask one myself.

“So how are we going to find this, Titans’ Orb?”

Unsurprisingly, Twilight looked back up from her book to answer me. I quickly sussed out that when it came to the task at hand, about this Orb, her behaviour was much more relaxed and civil, she very clearly wanted the job done.

“It’s not so simple. You see, when it entered your dimension, it broke into six pieces. These pieces then scattered across your planet at random, and not just in different places, in different times too.”

“Times?” I echoed, “You’re saying these pieces travelled through time?”

“Sort of.” she hummed, “Thanks to the research of Star Swirl the Bearded, we’ve come to learn that time distorts between dimensions. Travelling between them is dangerous, and requires very powerful magic to do safely. From the little data we were able to gather, it seems that every fragment of the Orb was affected. All six of them came here at a different time, but we haven’t a clue as to where. That’s why Princess Celestia sent us to you, she believes you can help us navigate this world, and keep us from danger.”

“Across the whole planet?” I said in disbelief.

Twilight simply nodded and then went back to reading, her desire to educate me now spent. Swallowing, I presumed that they would want me to give my answer soon rather than later, and so I gave it.

“Well, when do we move out?”

“Whenever you’re ready I s’pose.” Applejack replied.

That made me think...

{I could just leave, I could get away from this place right now, and see the whole world.}

I shivered with excitement, while I wasn’t a religious person, it was hard not to consider this my true calling. But I couldn’t just leave, not without anyone knowing. No matter how horrible my family were, I didn’t want them to worry about where I had gone; I didn’t care so much about my mother, but Oliver deserved better than that.
And what if my father miraculously came home after all these years? What if I never saw him again?

“What about my family?” I asked.

Rainbow Dash’s jaw nearly hit the floor, she stared at me with disbelief.

“Seriously? Look at how they treat you! We’ve all seen how that dude bullies you, and how your mother abuses you, it was only this morning when she attacked you! Seriously, just ditch them dude!”

Now that Rainbow Dash had brought it into mind, my head started throbbing again; Fluttershy noticed as I went to lightly rub the bump which was emitting a searing pain.

“Oh, let me take a look at that.”

“It’s fine, really.”

“Nonsense, I can clearly see that you’re in pain, now come here.” she insisted.

I didn’t want anyone to make a fuss about it, but from the moment she got up off my bed and came towards me, I knew I had no choice in the matter. She gently combed over my head with a hoof, and I couldn’t help but flinch as it touched the pulsating lump, Fluttershy sighed heavily as she saw it.

“This is definitely not fine, it almost looks like there’s an egg embedded in your head.”

“How do you still care about them?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack spoke up, whom actually defended my concern.

“Rainbow, this is his family you’re talking about here. He loves them, no matter how nasty they can be.”

Turning to me, she continued.

“I can understand why you’d not want them worrying about you, not knowing what’s become of you, right Sugarcube?”

Nodding, it was nice to know at least one of them got it. I couldn’t stand my family, but I didn’t want them forever wondering where I’d gone; my dad had already disappeared, and it would be unfair to make Oliver deal with that all over again.

“So what? You’re going to tell them you’re going on an adventure or something?” Dashie said.

That’s when a crazy idea popped up in my head.

“Might be a bit drastic, but we could... I don’t know, fake my death or something?”

Everyone was caught off guard, they all recoiled in shock and Twilight’s book hit the floor. The ponies were clearly not ready for the subject of death, but if they are going to travel around this planet with me, they would have to get used to it.
After an awkward silence, Applejack finally spoke up.

“Sugarcube, are you sure you want to do that?”

After some hesitation, I nodded, and the mare blinked rapidly to disperse the glossy look in her eyes, clearing her throat.

“But, just think of how they’ll feel... When they find out you’re dea-”

I put my hand on the mare’s shoulder and cut her off.

“Applejack, I honestly think it’s for the best. I would rather they believe I’m dead and move on, than constantly wonder about where I am, and if I’m okay or not, you know? Plus, if I’m to keep you all hidden, then it would hardly be ideal for my name and face to be attached to a missing persons case, now would it? Trust me, I think this is the right thing to do.”

My words made sense to all, and there was no doubt that there was solid reason in my suggestion.

“Okay...” the farm pony mumbled, “If that’s what needs to happen...”

She was hurting, I could see it in her eyes. Examining her expression, I raised my eyebrows with concern.

“Are you okay, Applejack?”

“Yeah, it’s fine, I’m fine.”

Looking up at all the others, I could tell the subject had created an awkward ripple through the group; I needed to change the subject, and fast.

“Look, we’re not in any rush. My mum’s out all day, so we’ve got plenty of time to make a decision. Let’s just focus on something else for now, yeah?”

That was when Twilight finally spoke, and at last without such a standoffish attitude.

“I agree. Besides, it would be good to learn more about you and your culture before we move out.”

With a wide smile, I dipped my head and relaxed.

“Absolutely.” I agreed, “If we’re going to be spending a lot of time together, it’d be good if we actually knew one another on a more personal basis. Is there anything you specifically had in mind?”

“Actually, yes. Would it be possible for us to watch a ‘Three-D’ movie? I just read up on them. Apparently, you humans can create picture shows with nothing but digitally generated content, with human voice actors to portray the characters.”

“That sounds amazing!” Pinkie yelled.

Rainbow Dash joined in, “Yeah, that seems pretty cool.”

The other ponies nodded in agreement, so I searched through my collection of films for a decent one to watch, keeping in mind that I would have to make a boundary for the content, I didn’t want to expose Fluttershy and Pinkie to anything too violent or scary. I scanned through my abundantly stocked library of films, and after a good five minutes, I still couldn’t find anything that I considered suitable for them; that’s when Pinkie Pie jumped up and down, holding a DVD case in one of her hooves.

“Hey, what about this one?”

Chuckling, I playfully rolled my eyes, for I would now be seeing this film for the seventh time...

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