• Member Since 15th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


My name is Ezekiel carque-parks im 17. I like metal, working out, and fics that have humans in them. Dm me if you want to chat im always happy to talk.

Blog Posts

  • 12 weeks
    I am now a marine!

    I graduated from Paris island boot camp as a PFC.
    And now I've spent my boot leave having fun, playing smash and Metroid and going places.

    Tomorrow I'm leaving for MCT so wish me luck :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

    2 comments · 18 views
  • 26 weeks
    Marine bootcamp

    At the airport rn, got done with meps and at 8:10 pm my flight to Parris island will commence! You won't hear from me until 3 months time. :derpytongue2:

    0 comments · 48 views
  • 26 weeks
    Marine bootcamp

    Tomorrow I am going to marine bootcamp! My life for the next 13 weeks will be training at parris island in south Carolina. I'm very excited and I would like to thank many of the writers on here for psyoping me into thinking being a marine is going to be bad ass! Love you guys I'll make a blog when I'm a united state's marine! :rainbowwild:

    2 comments · 55 views
  • 68 weeks
    Poolie event was today

    I woke up at 2 am to do my laundry then folded my clothes and got ready for the Poolie event. I was picked up a 6 am by my recruiter sgt sj, Then they picked up a few other Poolies. we then went to the park which is where we would be doing the CFT ( Combat Fitness Test). It was very hard, Im shipping to boot camp in 10 months so I have time to improve. first was the half mile sprint, I did it in 3 minutes and 34 seconds. Then was the ammo can lifts in which you over head press a ammo can (30

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    0 comments · 67 views
  • 72 weeks
    Got a cool award

    I got a award because I was future marine of the month, also when I get out of boot camp instead of being a E0 like everyone else is im going to be an E1! pt was great and I made new prs, 16 pull ups, 3 minuet plank, and 10 minuets on the mile and a half run. :pinkiehappy:

    0 comments · 80 views

I am now a marine! · 5:53pm September 9th

I graduated from Paris island boot camp as a PFC.
And now I've spent my boot leave having fun, playing smash and Metroid and going places.

Tomorrow I'm leaving for MCT so wish me luck :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

Report BionicFox · 18 views ·
Comments ( 9 )
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Thank you for favouring my story, Twilight's World.

Thanks for the favorite, hope you liked the story!

It was well written and a fun read :)

Thank you for adding These Final Words to your Favorites.:twilightsmile:

May I ask what you enjoy about it?

Well, good to know that something I'm doing is working. ;-)

Keep in mind, however, that just because I'm very visible doesn't mean I'm right. ;-]

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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