Wanderer D 5,529 followers · 65 stories

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News Archive

  • 4 weeks
    The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition

    The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition.

    This is where the magic happens…
    This is where the magic grows...

    Last year we had no idea how this contest would turn out. A contest that limits who can participate was a risky idea, never having been done before. But that didn’t stop it from being a blast for all involved, authors and judges alike. There were so many good entries from so many new authors that finally took a stab at publishing. All around, it was a great success and its goal was achieved. So, because it’s always more fun the second time, here we go again.

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    26 comments · 3,349 views
  • 5 weeks
    2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest

    Or, Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them!

    Hey, everyone!

    So it's been since 2020 that I was last able to actually help co-host a contest. I've been a judge in a few since then, but for the most part I took a hiatus from the site. But now I'm back, and I thought to myself: What better way to come back than to host a fun competition? So that's exactly what I'm doing!


    Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them
    A 2024 Non-Pony Competition!

    Click the adorable kirin for a surprise...

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    55 comments · 3,470 views
  • 8 weeks
    The Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest!

    Note: PI is not the host nor a judge.

    Welcome to the season of love.

    Summer* has arrived (well, close enough, anyway), and with summer comes summer romances! But just who is getting together this year? Well, that's up to you!

    *Or, for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere: Winter has arrived! And it's up to you to choose who's bundling up together!

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    19 comments · 2,991 views
  • 11 weeks
    Tropical Post-Apocalypse Contest! :D

    Note: PI is not the host of this contest. That is, instead, the lovely Robipony

    🌴Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest🌴

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    22 comments · 5,243 views
  • 12 weeks
    Dialogue only contest!

    Yahallo! The premise of this contest is very simple: dialogue only! Which means no prose, no descriptions, no ‘saidisms’, nothing like that. Otherwise, you may get as creative as you feel like! No limits on what the story content can be. Below are the rules. Please, if you have any inquires, ask me or one of the judges in a dm. 

    The contest will last from May 15th-June 15th, giving little over a month for writers to plan out and write out whatever they like! :D

    Here is the group where fics should be submitted.

    1. Dialogue only.No descriptions, prose, saidisms, or paragraphs that are outside of someone speaking.
    2. The word limit, considering the unique case of this contest, will be 3.5k. However, if you want to do just 500 words (which is the minimum) and post the story(s) as an anthology, you are more than welcome too.

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    144 comments · 7,159 views
  • 12 weeks
    May Pairings Contest

    Art by Mushroom!


    It's once again May, and you know what that means: it's time to crackship!

    What is the May Pairings Contest?

    If you don’t know, the May Pairings contest is all about original, rare, or unique ships that aren’t afraid to explore unique dynamics between characters. This means that stories about Lyra and Bon Bon, Vinyl and Octavia, or Rarity and Twilight wouldn’t qualify. Rather, we want to see stories about Autumn Blaze and Lemon Hearts! Daring Do and Treehugger! Octavia and Applejack! You get the picture.

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    19 comments · 4,248 views
  • 17 weeks
    2024 Wonderbolts Sitewide Contest

    Art by daOtterGuy!

    Are you a brave, fearless, and daring pegasi in search of your next great adventure? Do you think you have what it takes to join the best flight team in all of Equestria? Then the Wonderbolts just might be the group for you.


    The Quills and Sofas Speedwriting team is proud to present to you, the 2024 Wonderbolts Sitewide Contest!

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    55 comments · 6,039 views
  • 28 weeks
    Portal Transformations Contest I

    Announcement and Rules (3 January 2024 to 7 March 2024)

    The most up to date version of this contest's rules is at https://www.fimfiction.net/group/217156/portal-transformations/thread/529551/portal-transformations-contest-announcement-and-rules. Please ask your questions there.

    Welcome to the Contest

    "When Spike goes through the Mirror Portal from Equestria to CHS, he turns into a dog. What does X turn into when X goes through the Mirror Portal (or a similar portal)? You can pick X and the direction."

    Myself (Mockingbirb), I'm especially interested in changes that are less usual, not so commonplace (although I suppose very unsual treatments of the 'usual' changes can be interesting too.)

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    10 comments · 8,916 views
  • 38 weeks
    Imposing Sovereigns IV

    An esteemed pedigree of Fimfic contests has entered its next generation. That’s right, Imposing Sovereigns IV… has actually been going for a while now. Apologies there. :twilightsheepish:

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    7 comments · 7,977 views
  • 41 weeks
    The M/M Shipping Contest III: 2023 Sep 24 - Dec 03

    commissioned from: daOtterGuy

    Here we go again!

    It is, indeed, the subsequent year after the M/M Shipping Contest 2022 and I, Bicyclette (who is NOT Wanderer D if you are reading this from the site post, please do NOT message them about this contest) am still alive! Therefore, this contest is happening!

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    24 comments · 7,864 views

Competition » The Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024 Competition · 6:39pm February 23rd

Do you love Shining Armor? Do you hate Shining Armor? If your answer is yes to either/both of these, then this is the place for you! Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad is a sequel to Cadance is a Terrible Mom. The original contest was a success, and I've been itching to host another like it ever since. The premise is the same, only the roles are reversed: Write a story about Shining Armor being an awful parent.

You may be asking, Why host a contest like this? Who in their right mind would enter? Is your hate-boner for Shining Armor so massive that you have to make his suffering into a contest? Why does ANYBODY think this is a good idea?

To which my response is: Shut up, I'm bored.

Introduction out of the way, let's move on to the rules.


1. No Mature stories, same as last contest. We're looking for wholesome stories about bad parenting.

2. No Fetish tags. That should be obvious. This contest doesn't exist because we want to read a bunch of incest fics, it exists because Shining is a himbo dad we want to see fail.

3. No child abuse. Even if you have the talent to make any topic funny, try to avoid veering into edgy territory. I know it seems impossible, but take it as a test of creativity. A test to see how bad of a father Shining can be.

4. Maximum word count is 5,000. Minimum is 1,000. PM one of the judges if your story surpasses this word cap but you still want to enter the contest. If the word count succession is within reason, we'll work with you. However, points will be docked based on every thousand words.

5. Stories must be published after February 22, 2024. Submissions will close on March 22, 2024 at 11:59 CTZ.

6. You are allowed to write serious stories. This rule exists because there was a story in the last contest people were rooting for that didn't place because it didn't fit the format. We will be more lax on that rule this time around, HOWEVER, this is primarily a shitposting contest, so serious stories will be reviewed with a serious mindset. In layman: It better be good.

To add to that, I don't mean to deter people from writing a serious story because this is a shitposting contest. While we will have a stricter approach to them, take it as an opportunity to floor us.

7. Up to 3 stories are allowed per person, however, you can only win with one.

8. Don't write a trollfic with the end goal of offending a lot of people.

9. Judges are allowed to write stories, but they are not subject to placing.

10. Stories must include link to contest saying that it's involved in the contest.

With rules out of the way, let's introduce the judges!



Based Cadance Enjoyer.


You probably haven't heard of him.


Only writes HiE. Can't be trusted.


Some asshole idk

Special Back-up Judge


Does something, idk, I'm just the host.

Simply not writing a story about horrible parenting not enough for you? How about a bribery!

1st Place: $50
2nd Place: $25
3rd Place: $10
Honorable Mentions (up to 3 each)

Now, we've had all sorts of comments in the past asking how a story about Shining Armor/Cadance being a terrible parent could possibly work without the involvement of child abuse. My normal response to this would be, "Wtf dude, are you okay?" but my follow-up would be, "Oh, that's right, some people have a healthy relationship with their family."

While I feel like there are obvious ways to write a premise such as this, we went ahead and came up with a few prompts for you to write around! Note that it isn't a requirement to follow any of these, but please write goth Flurry.


1. Flurry is goth

2. Shining lets Flurry play with a set of keys, and one key goes to the Royal Armory

3. Shining picks Flurry up from school

4. Baby’s first drink

5. Shining tries to understand Flurry’s slang

6. Shining attends a PTA meeting

7. Shining has bad “Captain of the Royal Guard” habits

8. Flurry learns the fundamentals of gun safety

Finally, the grading of each story will be based on the following rubric.


Grammar: /3
Characterization: /5
Creativity: /5
Flow: /5
Impact: /7
Goth Flurry: /1

Overall: /25

BONUS: Goth Flurry: /1

And that's about all you need to know! Now get to writing!

Please note that Fimfiction staff is not involved in the rules, ruling, or procedures of this competition. Any and all questions posted here will be the responsibility of the contest's organizers. Do not DM Wanderer D or other fimfic staff with questions related to this contest.

Report Wanderer D · 10,234 views ·
Comments ( 33 )

ngl low-key hyped

I see the FATHER of humor displayed proudly.

You know?
Im gonna enjoy this

lol those images!! :rainbowlaugh:

Please note: any stories featuring Cadance, Shining Armor, or Flurry Heart will be immediately disqualified

So the only winning move is not to play?

YES! My mind went there too!:rainbowlaugh:

OMFG, I used to love that show!
Not the Momma!!

I'm no author, but I think I'm gonna enjoy reading the stories. Goth Flurry Heart sounds awesome.

Idea: Drunk goth baby Flurry hits her dad with a frying pan while crying "Not the Momma!"

Nah, it would just basically being a canterlot news article saying something of the failing of the crystal empire rulers. You could extrapolate shining armor's failures and bad parenting that led to this.

This is gonna be interesting

You probably haven't heard of him.

Figures that you'd cheap out on this contest with some no-name judge :rainbowlaugh:. Probably couldn't rustle up enough loose change from the couch to afford the beer and pizza that someone with a bit of fandom fame would have charged.

I think we might be being pressured to promote Goth Flurry but I could be wrong. This sounds like a tempting little prompt. If I get up the energy I might try my hand at it.

Tbh, it's just Muggonny's favorite thing to see: Goth Flurry Heart. Just fyi, last year's winners were not goth pone. So it's still totally doable to write whatever you'd like as long as it fits the prompt.

I am very excited to both read the entries, and write one or two myself! Though, even without outright intentional child abuse, I can't guarantee that Flurry will end up safe in the end~😈

Flurry has become Rogal Pone, Primarch of the Crystal(?) Hoofs chapter

Am very exciteddd!

8. Flurry learns the fundamentals of gun safety

Unless Flurry is a baby when this happens, I don't think this would make Shining a Terrible dad. Learning gun safety is important.

It's not the prompt that makes him a terrible dad. It's the execution.

thanks for sharing..!! Valero Card


I've entered two stories into the contest and I might do a third but I'm terrified by the fact that I've read stories by 3 out of 5 of the judges and their works are just a pillar of Fanfiction itself.

March 22? I better hurry.

I'm not sure if I missed this, but how does one go about actually submitting?

It's mentioned in the group rules. Join the group and submit the story via the Submissions box.


But Norris all my story ideas are about Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart!


And now your Uncle will be shot by a mugger you let go.... except the shooter will be some other dude that just wanted the car so he could give his daughter some medicine that he can't afford because Medicare is such bullshit.

Just to note: the contest has had its deadline extended. The new deadline is March 29th @ 11:59 PM CTZ. If you would like more information about this, please consult with this thread: link to our group's notice of the extension.

Any timeline on when the results will be tallied?

Please note: any stories featuring Cadance, Shining Armor, or Flurry Heart will be immediately disqualified

I finished a story featuring none of those characters because of that joke comment ("hide and seek" in the title), as the first story of a 5-part series featuring Shining Armor as terrible dads, but I hit the submission limit, only published it today, and it only mentioned a bit of Shining Armor being terrible rather than enough. This blog post's comments doesn't seem like the place to link stories, though.

Have the stories been judged yet?

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