• Member Since 15th Sep, 2016
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"The clever are not so much looking for loneliness as they avoid the fuss created by fools." - Arthur Schopenhauer

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There was at one point a war of harmony against the evil that ravaged the land of Equestria. Many have fought and died in the frivolous pursuit for the divine power to rule all without cease. Once the war had ended, their badlands king had no choice but to submit to the Equestrian crown and ally himself with Celestia and Luna.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Legend of Equestria: Ocarina of Time

A legendary evil had awoken in an alternate Equestria for the hero and his new friends to fight. Twilight and her friends, plus Hero, with the help of Celestia, all work together to save Luna from her possessed madness. Will they be able to save Luna and this mirrored Equestria? Or will it be too late?

Disclaimer: This entire story was rebuilt from the ground up while trying to maintain its original details as much as possible. I worked very hard on this, and I did it all for the love of this community. I hope this provides a fantastic read for everybody, and I humbly await your feedback.

Chapters (28)

Blueblood will learn the hard way that making Cadence angry would be a terrible idea. There's nothing more stronger than a mother's love. Never mess with a mother's child... never.

Chapters (1)

This is the first season of Save The World. He stars the freelance Detective Charlie as he solves cases to prevent various villains from taking over the world. Intergalactic and interdimensional visitations aren't exactly anything new to Planet Earth in this universe. Join Charlie in five episodes of pure chaos, suspense, and satirical shenanigans as he uses his crimefighting skills to combat the oppressive forces of wickedness.

"Greetings, reader. I'm the narrator, and welcome to my office. Should have tidied this place up a bit; you'll have to excuse me for that." He clears his throat as he stands up from his chair, "before you are a collection of tantalizingly dramatic tales of suspense. Each one is leading towards the main villain's master plan."

"What is it going to be, you ask? Well, I cannot tell you that. You'll have to read and find out for yourself. Will the Detective be able to save the world? That's a pretty tall order to fill if you ask me. I look forward to your discovery of this as we go along. So sit back, relax and let's see what fate has in store for our hero."

Chapters (1)

The princesses are loved, loved by many and all in their land. However, they're also feared, feared for what they can do to somepony, anypony that crosses them. It would appear that they've got the sense of humor of a wet noodle. Artcraft will learn this lesson the hard way in this story. This is an alternate reality of ponies that do not like pranks at all.

Chapters (2)

Every meal has at least one type of cheese- any meal that Wallace has ever eaten, of course. But there is one meal that Wallace might want to try, guaranteed to have both interesting and annoying results to a certain somepony.

Chapters (1)

Twilight meets her friends for the first time by order of her mentor, Celestia. The solar princess then managed to save her sister with the help of Twilight and her new friends. Together, they managed to restore peace to Equestria for a time.

But as anybody would know, that kind of time usually never lasts for very long. Now they do their best to both be the protectors of their land and to learn to live their day-to-day lives. Unfortunately for them, they meet a new threat that desires to transform Equestria into a totalitarian industrial utopia in his own image.

Now with Equestria on the line, the doctor must be stopped whenever he enacts one of his many schemes.

Chapters (15)

You're the next generation of harmony, the last beacon of hope for Equestria. You're quite simply called the Hero. The hero that will save this land from evil, a new evil that's greater than anything anypony could ever possibly comprehend. A new darkness is nigh, but the balance of both good and evil must be maintained. This is your story, you're the next to be as the savior that Equestria needs.

May the blessings of Faustia be ever in your favor...

Chapters (29)

First Discord spikes Luna's shampoo to turn her mane into Celestia's. then filling a bunch of boiled collard greens and spinach into Celestia's favorite cake. Now he's mocked Celestia's weight, knowing full well how sensitive she is to that! Now they're going to get him back in their own special way!

(Warning!!! This story contains facesitting, inflation, scenes of crushing, femdom, crude humor. and two very angry alicorns! you have been warned!)

No trolling and shaming comments allowed! If that's what you want to do, then you can do it somewhere else. Constructive comments are however, very much appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes you need to learn the hard way why pranking can be a bad thing. Artcraft has a hooves-on experience as to why this is so!

(Warning!!! This story may contain content not appropriate for some readers, viewers discretion is advised! Lot's of adult humor lies ahead, salty ponies and tons and tons of pranking, you have been warned!)

Chapters (1)