• Member Since 10th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen July 19th


Love to read, write and be awesome!!! It's very nice to meet you.


Introducing the remastered version of the first Beyond My Grave book. Involving major changes in events and plot points, this retelling gives a chance to give the proper justice to what started the main story series as well as the author's true adventure into writing and horror. 

For her whole life, Luna has seen beyond what most ponies could ever see. But she could never tell if she was crazy or if the things she saw were real. Luna will now take her unseeable gift and help the lost souls. And with the help of her friends, Luna will not just go beyond her gift, but also....herself.

Featured March 22nd 2023.

Edited by: Wingdingaling

Proofread by: ShadowStarEX

Cover by: CrimsonRose97

Note: If you’re that person that likes to read all the contents of any series then you might want to read both versions of the story since they are different in many ways. I will warn you though the original is pretty bad. Not just plot holes but also grammar. But if you're someone that just wants to dive into the story, I would recommend just reading this one since it is more polished. I just thought it was time to step back into this one and fix it up to become the story it was meant to be. I know the rules about rewrites but enough has been changed that it can be posted as a new story.

Huge thanks to Wingdingaling who helped me a lot with this remastered and is the reason this was made possible

Link to original story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/355058/beyond-my-grave

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Someone You Like

Life for Capper had never been better after leaving Klugetown. And after a chance meeting with Princess Luna, he finds a shot at something beyond his wildest dreams. They had a successful date and things seem to be promising between the two.

However, just as things were starting to get better, his past started catching up to him. Will his past come and ruin it all? Or will Capper be his own undoing?

(Optional readings: The Nightmare Knights Part 1-5)

Edited by: Wingdingaling

Proofread by: ShadowStarEX

Cover by: CrimsonRose97

Noted: it is highly recommended to read the first one to fully understand this one.

Chapters (12)

When invited to the Grand Galloping Gala, Capper wasn't expecting to catch the eye of the princess of the night. And after a small moment between the two, he dare believes that there could be something more. However, a quick reminder of the past might make him think otherwise. But maybe, just maybe, he could be someone that Luna would like.

Featured on March 4th 2022.

This is for the 2022 Crackship Contest.

(Optional readings: The Nightmare Knights Part 1-5)

Edited by: Wingdingaling

Proofread by: ShadowStarEX

Cover by: CrimsonRose97

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Beyond My Grave: Exhumed

They say that Hearth Warming is a time of giving; that it brought happiness and unity to the land of Equestria. The story of the giving spirit has become quite popular and is a stain upon the Heartwarming holiday. However, many have forgotten the dark ages of old. They have forgotten that the spirit of Heartwarming was not a right, but only a privilege.

Despite this, the dark spirits still linger and watch from the shadows. They have not forgotten their duty to right the forgotten meaning of the holiday. While it has gone unnoticed for many years, the raging storm of the dark spirits still comes to the surface. When belief is forgotten, and the Heartwarming spirit dies, a much darker ancient spirit will come.

And he only comes with one gift.

Warning: Some scenes may be too graphic for some readers

Cover made by Snow Quill

Editor(s): ShadowStarEX

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Beyond My Grave: Nightlight

(I'm not going to lie, I really don't like this story. I spend a lot of time on it and after reading it over, I just found myself not really into it. I'm not saying this in any bad way. I just know that this is definitely the worst story out of the franchise. So the story's no longer Canon. It's just for a fun read and you don't need to read it. If you've been following the series you don't even read this one cuz it's no longer Canon. I won't delete it cuz I've spent so much time on it but I'm not going to go back to fix it either. I'm just going to move on.)

Takes place after beyond my grave: nightlight

What first started out as a simple dare turns into a hellish nightmare as these groups of students find out the hard way that some things should be left untouched.

Warning: Some scenes may be too graphic for some readers

Editor(s): ShadowStarEX

Cover: made by CrimsonRose97

Chapters (24)

On Nightmare Night, Discord, Spike, and Big Mac take on the challenge to eat the hottest chip in the world. Will they be able to do it or die trying? Luna thinks they'll die trying.

Note: This was originally part of my 'Beyond My Grave' series story but I didn't have much time to finish the whole thing so I decided to post this little part of it so I can have something for Halloween. So yeah, it is in the same universe but doesn't require any reading to understand this story. Takes place after Beyond My Grave: Nightlight.

Edit: I don't know how this story got so popular. I wrote this in 4 hours with little thought at all. Though it wasn't featured, (sadly) it was on the popular page for 3 days and got the most views in a short amount of time than any of my other stories. So thanks for that.:twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

When ponies all over Equestria begin to fall asleep and aren't able to wake up, Luna makes it her mission to find out why. Things turn for the worse when Capper is attacked by a mysterious creature leading them both into an unknown world beyond their dreams.

Now, from this world, the two must work together to find out what is going on and how to wake the ponies of Equestria up before it is too late. But they soon find out that the creature may not be the only thing trying to make sure they don't make it out alive.

Edited by: EverfreePony, Razalon The Lizardman and Wingdingaling

Proofread by: ShadowStarEX

Cover by: CrimsonRose97

Note: This is a stand-alone story. It has no connection to the "Beyond My Grave" series.

Edit: The first 3 chapters have since been edited/rewritten to fix the story up a bit.

Original doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lZCFYEcjhVeCjWvs7lfC7lFFZgkzo7FK_nIzluzwNsA/edit?usp=sharing

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Beyond My Grave: Night Terrors

(I decided I wanted to go back and redo this series. And this story is just not that good nor would work anymore. So this is no longer canon. I won't delete it but it's not a part of the series anymore.)

Since the three months after the event at the Crystal Empire, after a dream, Discord and Spike try to locate and find Silver Blitz. Meanwhile, Luna is dealing with the stress of helping a family with a child who is having some strange nightmares along with keeping her powers away from Celestia.

But all of that would be interrupted when an old friend of Luna’s returns with some unexpected surprises. It turns out that he has some supernatural powers of his own which unfortunately comes with supernatural consequences.

Warning: Some scenes may be too graphic for some readers

Editor(s): ShadowStarEX

Cover: made by miipack603.

Side Note: This series does go along with the comic books more than the show. I think I made that clear but I’ll say it now just in case for those who don’t know. Meaning, this story is after the comic book series The Nightmare Knights. If you don’t know what that is, click on the links below. It’s actually a really good comic book series.




Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to Beyond My Grave

With everything calm down and peaceful, Luna is now trying to keep her powers under control. While Spike tries to learn more about the supernatural, Luna and Discord try to move on with their lives. However, they soon find out that their story is just beginning.

It starts off when Celestia plans a week trip to visit Shining Armor and Princess Cadence after Cadence starts experiencing some depression. Celestia brings Luna along in hopes to get her and Cadance to know each other better. And in hopes to please Celestia and Cadence, Luna buys Flurry Heart an old antique toy. Not knowing that the toy originally belonged to a young dead mother looking for her lost daughter.

Warning: Some scenes may be too graphic for some readers

Editor(s): ShadowStarEX and TheMysteryMuffin and Shimmer Bolt

Cover: made by CrimsonRose97

Side note: Also, I would like to point out with the coming of the end of the series, I made a quick decision. That decision is that the first book takes place towards the end of season 7 and the second book takes place at the beginning of season 8. That's all.

Chapters (22)