I couldn't scream. I couldn't run. I couldn't even breathe. It hurt my head as everything happened around me, ignoring me. I felt lost in the darkness, with only fleeting glimpses of bright, white light to break up the confusion. Two black silhouettes could be seen as they spoke to me and each other.
You are running out of time.
It's almost time, Luna.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
You will join me. Come to me. Come to me, Luna. You can't change who you are meant to become.
Come to me. I will protect you. You'll be safe. Take my hand.
What?! No! She’s mine, brother! Stop! No!
Wake up!
Wake Up, Luna!
WAKE UP!!!!!!!
"Luna, wake up!"
I groaned as I opened my eyes. Celestia was hovering over me.
I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms. "What is so important that you had to wake me up so early, Celly?" I yawned.
Celestia looked at me with a sad look in her eyes. My ears dropped.
"What happened?"
"It's Cadance."
We quickly made our way to the hospital. Shining Armor talking to the doctor while Celestia was next to him talking to a guard. I was holding on to Flurry Heart. For the time, she didn't have the toy that I gave her. While I was waiting on the other two, I looked through the window into the room that Cadance was in.
Seconds later, she looked through the window too. We made small eye contact with each other. She was so afraid. Deep down I knew who caused this. It was getting worse. My head racing. Discords dream seemed more of a reality than ever. Cadance was truly in danger and I felt so powerless to stop it.
I lifted up Flurry so Cadance could see that she was unharmed. Cadance's face brightened a little and was relieved to at least see that Flurry Heart was safe and sound. That was all she cared about at the moment. What most likely didn't make her so happy was the millions of questions that were racing through her head.
I stood by and listened to Celestia, Shining Armor, and the doctor discussed the issue. They were all very concern on who the mare that Cadance had claimed to have seen multiple times now. No one had seen anything, but the real issue came with what the guard had seen. It made everypony have their eyebrow raised just a little.
"Here, Shinning Armor. Take Flurry Heart." I handed Flurry over to him. He grabbed ahold of her and continued talking to the doctor.
I went by the door and was the first to trot into the room. Cadance had bandages wrapped around her head and hooves. The bright light hurt her eyes and she squinted against it. Her body felt very comfortable. She looked incredibly weak and her face looked very pale.
She shifted her body and looked further to her right. She struggled to keep her eyes open.
She groaned. "Where am I?"
"You're at the hospital."
"I am?"
"The guards told us that they found you on the floor passed out," I said.
She covered her face. "Something is happening to me. I feel like I'm losing my mind and I don't know what to do!" Cadance cried.
"Cadance, you are many things. Being crazy isn't one of them," I said as I hugged her. "Now tell me what happened to you."
She never got the chance to answer me though. The moment I touched her something very strange happened.
The colors of a thousand saris swirled in my mind like so much water going down a celestial plug hole. As they billowed and spun in the unseen breeze they left colors behind, until all that was left was a world like a beautifully painted page in a children's picture book. It was like a series of mixed flashbacks all played in one second.
I saw Cadance being attacked in her bedroom by the mare that I saw. A huge gush of wind then flew at Cadance causing the door to slammed in her face and send her several feet backward. She slammed her head into the wall as her vision nearly went pitch.
“She's my baby!”
“Leave her alone!!! You hear me?!" Cadance yelled at the top of her lungs.
There was a loud roar from the wall. Cadance began to back up with Flurry Heart in her arms. She turned around to leave only to see the same mare running at her.
“Princess Cadance?!”
All of the noise disappeared in an instant. It was like being stuck in another reality. Then the stain had vanished like it was never there in the first place like the whole thing had been a visual joke.
My eyes open like two flashlight beams, though my eyes were open I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid. I strain into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady. I looked at Cadance speechless, trembling. What just happened? What did I just see?
"Luna, are you okay?" Cadance asked suddenly. My ears perk up as I turned to face her. It was then I had realized that she said something to me.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes...I'm fine...did you see that?"
"See what?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," I quickly said.
By the look on her face, I could tell that she didn't know what I was talking about. She leaned forward closer to me.
"What did you see?" She asked more sternly.
Before any more could be said, Celestia and Shining Armor trotted into the room. I took this as a chance to back away from her. I sat on a chair next to the door which was behind them all.
"Thank goodness you're alright," Shining Armor said.
She looked up at Celestia who had a worried look on her face.
"What's going on? What happened?" Cadance asked.
"I was hoping you could tell us that," Celestia said walking closer to her.
Cadance looked at the ground pondering on what actually happened. She remembered everything right down to every detail. How could she forget? Then the next question came, what in Equestria was she gonna tell them.
"The guard gave us a brief description of what he saw. It sounded very concerning, so I was hoping you could shed more light on the matter Cadance," Celestia's words echoed in Cadance's mind.
I felt so bad for her. What was she gonna say to them? She couldn't tell them the truth. She most likely barely knew what was the truth herself. Seeing her laying there so hopeless, forced to answer questions that she didn't understand herself, reminded me of myself when I was a young mare.
She looked up at Celestia with near tears in her eyes.
"It was that mare again, the one from before. She tried to take Flurry Heart from me. I barely escaped," Cadance said with tears in her eyes. Celestia softened her glare and I started to cry quietly as I watched this all unfold.
"Is Flurry Heart okay? I need to know that she's alright," Cadance studied.
"She's fine." Shinning Armor handed Flurry over to Cadance. "Are you sure it was the same mare?"
"Yes, I'm sure!" Cadance snapped.
"Cadance. Nopony saw her," Celestia said calmly.
"A guard told us they heard you screaming in your room. But when he spoke to you, you didn't say anything. He said that you just got up and left," Shining Armor explained. Cadance cheeks turned red and her eyes went to the floor.
"Is that true?" Celestia asked.
"Look, I know this sounds crazy but someone is after me. She wants to kill me and take Flurry Heart. She always following me. She left a message for me in the bathroom. It said she wanted Flurry. I mean, it's gone now but it was there," Cadance cried. Shining Armor and Celestia gave each other a concerned look. Cadance noticed this.
"What? I'm not making this up!"
Shining Armor put a hoof on her lap. "I'm not saying that. I know that you wouldn't lie to me but I'm very worried about you, Cadance. The doctor told us you suffered a panic attack."
"No. It wasn't that. It was the mare. She knocked me out," Cadance said.
"We found nothing about this mare you speak of. Nopony but you claim to have seen her. Are you sure that you didn't just scare yourself?" Celestia said.
"I didn't scare myself, Celestia. I know what I saw. I saw her try to take Flurry."
Celestia looked away from her. "I don't know what to think about this."
She growled. "Are you serious? I'm not crazy. I know what I am talking about!!" She yelled.
Flurry flinched and teleported by me. I picked her up and held on to her. Nopony seemed to had noticed this but me.
"Calm down Cadance," Shining Armor said.
"No. Don't tell me to calm down!! How can I be calm after everything that happened?!"
"We're trying to help you," Shining Armor said.
"No, you're not. You're trying to say that I'm crazy!"
"I am not, Cadance. I tried talking to you. I tried getting you to tell me what is wrong but all you did is pushed me away and locked yourself in your room. You never once tried to open up to me." Shining Armor began to lose his cool. "I know the last few months haven't been easy for you but you been well overbroad the last few days!"
Cadance got up in his face. "You don't know what I been through the last 2 days. You haven't seen what I have!"
"And now I'm even questioning what you actually been seeing!" He yelled back.
"Enough!" I stood up and yelled at both of them. They quickly went silent and turned their attention to me. "Yelling at each other isn't going to fix this."
"Luna's right. It's not good for anypony," Celestia agreed. She finally realized that Cadance was no longer holding onto Flurry. She saw me with her. Celestia trotted up to me and grabbed Flurry Heart. "She shouldn't be hearing this. I'm going to take her back with me to the castle now."
She trotted out with Flurry Heart leaving the three of us behind.
Shining Armor sighed heavily as he calmed himself down. He then headed for the door before looking back to say one more thing. "Cadance, I don't think you're crazy. I do want to help you. But I can't unless you let me."
He then trotted out.
I stayed in my seat not making any sound or movement. Cadance and I said nothing and made small glances at each other. None of us knew what to say. I could see more tears form in her eyes.
I thought about earlier that night. While she was being tormented by this thing, I had been sleeping while trying to find out what had happened with my "magic actually working" on the dead thing before hearing the news about Cadance. Now I didn't know what to think about whatever it was I saw. Strange things were happening to me and Cadance.
If only I knew how to help her. I felt so horrible. The last time I had talked to her, I wasn't the nicest... I was actually kinda jerk looking back at it. Cadance needed me and I needed patients no matter what I felt.
I was so scared for her life. What I saw and what I know she had been seeing, I could image all too well what she was going through. I still had the horrible memories racing through my head.
Finally, I went up to her and hugged her, trying to play it cool.
"Are you ok?" I nearly shudder.
"As well as I can be I guess. I'm just glad that Flurry Heart is alright." Cadance wiped her tears.
I wanted to say so much to her, but I had to think before I just started blurting out nonsense. "We're gonna find whoever is tormenting you, Cadance. I swear."
Cadance looked up at me starting to cry again." I just feel so helpless. I fe-feel like I-I-I'm going in-sane." The words were slurred as she shuddered.
"You're not going insane, Cad..."
"No, you don't understand the things she can do, t-th-th the things I've seen." Her interrupting words only slurred more as fear look over her mind.
"Cadance. I under...."
"No, you don't! No one can understand!" Cadance again seemed more scared than mad.
I used my magic to move her face close to mine as I wiped her tears. I looked at her in the eyes. I was gonna tell her something without actually telling her what I knew or what happened to me before.
"Trust me. I understand all too well what you're going through. More than you can possibly imagine. I'm going to help you."
There was hope in her eyes. "Really?"
"Yes, I am here for you. We'll get through this together."
"So did you tell Luna?" Spike asked Discord. They were now in the kitchen where Spike was going to get more gems. There was a rolled-up scroll in his claw.
"No. Not yet. I was but then all of this started," Discord answered. He watched as Spike flew to the cabinet to get a bowl.
"Well, I guess I can't really put that one on you then," Spike shrugged.
"Don't worry. I'll tell her soon."
"Good. Well, anyways, next item in business..." Spike flew up to the counter and unrolled the scroll. He laid it out on the counter for Discord to see.
Discord was wide-eyed as he looked at the layout before him. "Spike, are you sure this is safe?"
"Trust me, Discord. There's only a small chance that one of us could die. Now you're gonna have to help me with these ingredients," Spike chuckled with an innocent smile.
Discord look at himself in the mirror where his copy Discord self, C.D. appeared with a phone in his paw. He was already dialing the numbers in to make a phone call.
"Well, I'll call the mortician. We'll be needing an extra large coffin this time".
If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?
Well, with the mare I guess I picture like a lighter smooth gentle voice