• Published 7th Mar 2019
  • 1,102 Views, 38 Comments

Beyond My Grave: Night Terrors - AnnEldest

The story continues with Luna and Discord trying to move on with their lives. But soon find out that their story is only just the beginning.

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The Starting Place

Cadence was welcomed with open hooves. Shining Armor cried as he held onto her. Cadence had never seemed so happy than when she got to hold her daughter. Celestia had noticed my absence and contacted Twilight when she hasn't heard a word from me.

So now we had to give an explanation to not just Twilight but to all of Equestria. We hadn't really discussed what we were going to tell everyone when we got back. The ride home wasn't as long as the ride there. Discord had a bit at Trentch's stand, and then we took a shortcut home. With no ghost or spirits around it only took the snap to get home.

I sat next to Spike and Discord as we watched the family reunion. It was a glorious sight to see Flurry Heart and Cadence finally together and finally safe. Flurry seemed happier than she had been in quite some time. Honestly, I never wanted that moment to end. Seeing her back with her family and truly happy was enough to make even Big Mac cry.

"Well, would you look at that," Discord said making a handkerchief appear. He handed it to Big Mac. "It looks like all of our hard work paid off in the end."

Discord was right. Throughout the entire journey, I was dreading it and wishing we could just quite. I hated that I had to admit to myself that I thought about giving up a few times. It was worth it in the end. All of the pain blood sweat and tears had finally paid off. I smiled as I also remembered the look on Rosseta's face. She was a mother, just like Cadence, and she couldn't rest without her baby. We had helped her be at peace and even managed to help her face and beat her true abuser. There wasn't more I could have asked for.

"So what's going to be our story?" Discord asked.

"Oh crap, I forgot that. We would have to find a way to explain this to the rest of Equestria," Spike said as he started to pace.

"We could try telling the truth," suggest Discord sarcastically.


"We have to say something. My sister isn't going to let any of this go. Nopony will," I said.

"Yes, sweet Cadence everypony's sweet darling," Discord wrapped his arm around Cadence as lights and confetti flew around her. "No one can stand to see her get hurt." Discord's eyes started an actual river of tears.

He wasn't wrong. Cadence was the incident one out of all of us. Equestria loved Cadence and everyone adored her. The whole event left everyone who knew Cadence starstruck. I had no idea what lame story we were going to have to come up with.

Shining Armor looked at me. "Thank you, Luna."

I only gave a small smile to him.

As Shining Armor and Cadence talked to each other, Celestia went up to me. Partly in relief, partly in anger.

"Luna are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine Celestia," I assured her.

"I was so worried about you. I was looking for Cadence and then nopony didn't know where you were," Celestia said.

"I didn't mean to worry you. I was looking for Cadence." It was all I could think of to say at that moment.

"You didn't say anything to me or anypony. I sent you so many letters and you didn't reply to any of them."

"Tia I didn't mean-"

"No Luna, stop right there. It's my turn to speak," she snapped at me. Her voice was stern and cold. "I let what happened last time go. I thought maybe if I did, things will get better. It seemed like for a while that it did but now this happened. I'm not ignorant, Luna. I know something is going on and I want to know why you won't tell me. I want the truth, sister."

I opened my mouth to say something. Anything to calm her down but no words came out of my mouth. I stood there speechless. They were so much I wanted to say but I couldn't. I just stared at the ground so I wouldn't have to look at her anymore.

"I'm sorry."

I heard Celestia groaned and shook her head. We heard a laugh and stared over at Flurry. She was laughing in her mother's arms. She knew that her mother was okay and everything else was over. I smiled at the sight. I was happy that I was able to keep my promise to her. We both looked over and saw how happy Cadence and Shining Armor were.

Celestia stared at the ceiling and sighed. I then gasped as she grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me closer to her. She put her head by my ear and whispered:

"For the sake of everypony else, I won't say anything for now but later I expect an explanation. And when we get back to Canterlot, we will talk about this and what happened at the cemetery. I won't take no as an answer. Not this time."

She stared dead cold at me. I started shaking a little. For the first time in my life, I was actually afraid of her.

"I hope that I made myself very clear."

My eyes went back to the floor and I nodded my head.


She let go of me and stormed off. It was clear that she had a lot to think about. I hated when she was angry at me. I didn't like feeling that I let her down. Especially, since that was all I been doing now.

I somewhat felt bad for her. However, she did cause some of this to herself. Maybe if she had treated me differently back then, I wouldn't have to be scared to talk to her now. I knew it was selfish of me but it was true. She didn't deserve to be left clueless about it all but at the same time, she didn't deserve my trust either.

Discord went by me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"What are you going to do about her?"

"I don't know. I'll worry about that later," I said.

We waited till nightfall when everypony was asleep before we gather everyone. Cadence was already up and ready. She tucked Flurry Heart away and met up with us afterward. Discord teleported us to his house where we would have privacy. We all knew what we had to discuss.

"So Luna all of this is real? All of this supernatural ghost stuff is real?"

I looked at Cadence not sure how to respond. She was flipping through one of Spike's books. It had an X on the cover made of bones.

"Yes it's all real, it's not a fairytale. Demons, monsters, ghosts, they all exist. I can see them and Discord can dream of them. Well, he can like crossover to their realm by sleeping."

Cadence looked at me with a blank face. "Wait what? He can go to…" Cadence fell back as she tried to process the information.

"Yes, you see magic is completely useless around the dead, that includes mine," I said.

"However, there is a kind of special magic that does work. We don't know what it is but mine allows me to have cool weird dream power, and Luna can see and feel the dead while the rest of us can't," Discord added in.

Cadence turned her attention to me. "So you're like what a Ummm..."

"A psychic. That was how I saw the mare that was taunting you. I'm a psychic and nopony knows including Twilight and Celestia. The only ones who know are the ones in this room," I told her.

Her eyes widened at that.

"And I plan on keeping it that way," I added in sternly.

"How is this possible?" Cadence asked as she flipped through the book.

"Honest Cadence, I really couldn't tell you," Cadence looked up at me. "It something I had to come to terms with, but when it comes to making sense of it, I've given up."

Cadence sighed as she realized that we weren't much more knowledgeable about the supernatural that she was. I felt bad that I couldn't give her a completely solid answer, but I wasn't an expert on anything that we went through.

"All of you deal with this kind of thing often?"

"Well this is our second case," Spike explained proudly. "But you pick up a lot of these things."

"Case? So this is like a hobby for you?"

Discord made a sword and shield appear. "I wouldn't say hobby, more like a side job where we protect the innocent." Discord swung his sword around as ghost flew around him. "Kinda like ghost knights."

"Why didn't I know about this? Does Celestia know, or Twilight?"

"I did just say they didn't know about my powers."

"Do they know anything?" She then asked.

"No. I don't believe anypony believes that the supernatural even exists." Discord pulled out a clipboard and put a pair of glasses on. "It's not really a proven fact to most for some reason.

"Well, are we going to tell them what really happened to me then? I mean they'll have to believe us right?"

"NO!" I Immediately blurted out.

Everyone looked at me surprised at my sudden outburst. "We're not going to tell them about any of this."


"Discord no, are you kidding me? Do you think if Celestia found out about this she'll take it well? What about the rest of Equestria?"

Cadence walked forward. "Luna I'm sure if I talked to Celestia then she'll listen."

"No Cadence we can't. She won't understand what me and Discord are. She'll totally flip. Besides, I'm done getting ponies involved with this. It only has gotten my friends and family hurt."

Discord looked at the rest of them as if to say I told you so. I knew Discord wouldn't argue with me. We went through a lot together from our last encounter with Berry Tarts, so he understood where I was coming from. Spike seemed to except my rant as he just continued to flip through his book. Big Mac walked over to Spike and sat next to him


Cadence was the only one still standing. She looked at me as if she was waiting to see if I had made my case.

"You really just want to keep this quiet; making up some lie and just move on?"

I nodded in response. She sighed looking me dead in the eyes.

"So what are you going to tell them cause I'm not going to risk anyone else any harm. That includes your daughter." I made sure she heard that last part.

"Ok I get it," She snapped.

She stood for a moment and thought to herself. She tried processing everything in. After a minute, Cadence walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Luna, I'm forever grateful for what you did for me and Flurry Heart."

"Cadence…" I started to say.

"Luna, let me finish."

I sighed quietly and nodded my head.

"I just want you to know that you don't have to take this one by yourself." She looked me in the eyes.

"I know Cadence but please I hardly understand this crap myself. You saw what these things can do. I'm not gonna drag anymore into it."

This time she was the one to sigh in defeat.

"Okay, I won't tell your sister, Twilight or Shining Armor about this or about your powers. I won't tell anypony what happened. I understand you're just trying to figure it all out. I guess I can come up with something. But if you end up in this situation again, I'll be more than happy to help you any way I can."

"Thank you, Cadence. I'll take you up on your offer one day."

I hugged her tightly. For a moment, we refuse to let each other go. We cried but this time it was in joy instead of fear or grief.

"At least one thing good happened this week. Celestia wanted us to get closer and we did."

She chuckled. "Yeah. I guess we did do one thing right."

She broke the hug and faced Discord.

"I think I should head back before Shining Armor wakes up. I wouldn't want to cause a panic again."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want that," Discord said. He got his fingers ready to take her back.

"Cadence!" I called out to her. She looked up at me. "Please get help. Don't end up like me."

She smiled brightly at me.

"For you and Flurry Heart."

Discord teleported Cadence back so she could handle things on her end. I didn't know what she was going to tell them but I was glad that we had come to terms. Spike and Big Mac were next to go as they were excited to finally go home. Discord and I were the last two remaining.

"So another one come and gone hmm?" Discord had a large smirk on his face like he had made a point or something.

"It's not a case Discord, it's a horrible problem that happened to my family that we had to fix."

"Ya, so that makes it a royal case then," Discord said as he made a crown and slammed it with gravel. "Strange though. I remember a time where you didn't want to get involved with any of this. You wanted it to be your last time."

"What makes you think that I still don't want this to be my last time? I don't enjoy these gifts Discord, and you can't say you do either."

"Well ya, I didn't spend nights hoping and wishing on stars that this would become a reality, but I'll live with it. You, on the other hand, wouldn't have had it any other way."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm talking about how you are so worried about your abilities and others and trying to see it negatively. You can't pretend Luna that you're cursed with this thing when you are glad you have it."

"Discord, I didn't choose this. If it was up to me then I wouldn't have it even after knowing this shit even exist. I didn't have a choice and now I have to live with it. That's why I didn't want Cadence to tell anyone else, so they don't have to live with it either. Plus, they would all think us mad anyways.

"Sure they wouldn't be our number one fans but you don't dread this like you're letting on."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Because I saw your face when Cadence had Flurry heart in her hooves. Your eyes just lit up when you say how happy she was."

Discord was right. I felt my body release some of its tension. I looked at that same smirk as it crept over his face. He was right and he knew it too.

"I know Luna because it's the same look Fluttershy gets when she helps out animals. She loves what she does because she loves to see their happiness in the end. I know you're not quite like Fluttershy but you're not totally different either."

Discord had made his point and it was followed by a large cocky smirk. His case was set in stone and I really didn't have anything to go against it. I started to chuckle in defeat. The tension left my body completely as I let out a long sigh.

"Discord is there something you have to tell me?"


"I have been meaning to tell you this for a while. I told Spike but he said that you'll know more about it."

Discord looked carefully at me. It appeared that he had a clue about what I was going to tell him.

"Go on."

"While I was waiting for you, I got attacked by Rosetta. She almost took Flurry but something happened. I was able to use magic to stop her. But it wasn't mine. It was something else," I told him.

"A blue orb?" Discord asked.

"Yeah exactly. Wait...h-how did you know?"

"Because if you remember, that's the same color orb I shot at the creature when I was trying to save Silver Blitz," Discord said to me.

"I think I recall that."

I thought back to that moment and it came to me. Discord ran up to them, trying to save her and the orb shot out of him. Just like me, it came out of nowhere when we were both trying to protect someone we loved.

"Dang Dizzy, what the heck are we?"

"Eh crazy ponies, psychopaths, the whole nine yards. I kind of like it though, it sounds like some chaos on the horizon."

"Whatever we are, it can wait for another day," I said exhausted.

"Fair enough, my dear," Discord laughed.

"You really think there's more in store for us?" I said already knowing the answer.

"Are you kidding me?! We're practically supernatural magnets now."

I laughed at his remark. Sure two incidents were more than enough, but it wasn't anything to run home about. That was more around Shredder's field.

"Magnets, what do you mean? We've only had a serial killer and a lost mother to deal with."

Discord gave me a large-toothed smile. I instantly didn't like it.

"Well you see, before Spike left, he gave me something."

I sighed in response. "What is it?"

"It's a little tip about a case someone asked about. Someone else might need our help you know?"

"Discord you know this isn't like a full-time job? We can't just drop everything to do this."

"Ya I know but maybe we can just, I don't know, check it out for them and let them know that everything is alright. What do you say?"

I laid on my back and groaned as I realized where he was going with all of it. He wanted our little team we had formed to be an actual hobby. I really wasn't into the idea fully, but the more I thought about It wasn't that bad. I was stuck with my ability and I knew these things would keep coming at me. I thought it was something I could look into.

"You really want to make this a thing Discord?"

"Well if you don't want to help them, then I could just send them a letter and tell them that we have better things to do."

"Shut up, let's just go talk to Spike about it."

Discord jumped up and snapped his fingers. A large train appeared in the room. Another Discord popped out of the front of the train.

"All aboard the Supernatural Express."

I rolled my eyes and laughed as I jumped into one of the train carts. Discord jumped in after and the train took off.

"I think big things are in store for us, Lulu."

That was certainly not the path I thought I was going to go down, nor was it the most preferable one, but I was content with it. The situation could have been a whole lot worse than what it was. So I considered us lucky. As we rode the train to Spike I couldn't help but think how familiar it was.

Discord and I had a supernatural problem and so we were off to Spike to get help. It was funny really. We had been to many places. Some familiar places, some that were horrible, strange, and some that seemed like it was our last place.

In the end, however, we just ended back to the starting place.

The End

Author's Note:

Yes!! I finally finished another story. I am so happy that I completed this and I am excited for the next one. I have big plans for the series. I hope you guys are looking forward to it. I also hope that you loved and enjoyed part two of this series. Big things are coming for our heroes. Thank you to all who followed and enjoyed. And as always:

Till Next Time!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2: