• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


This story is a sequel to PONY POV SERIES SEASON 8: FINALE!

Sweetie Belle is no longer a filly, but she still needs help after her first 'almost close' night with Button Mash. Not all the needs planted in our childhoods are good things. And some things are not so easily weeded.

Written in the space of one afternoon.
Edited by my friends.

Part of the Pony POV Series.

This takes place after the finale season.

Chapters (1)

The humans have crushed the evil but incompetent pony invaders. Equestria now belongs to them as their new state. Celestia and the other so called Princesses are all dead or put in their place. It is truly a glorious time for humanity!
Except... Twilight Sparkles know that this can't be right!

It's not just ponies the potion offers transformations of after all.


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drabble Kaboom!

A surprise continuation of this obscure little drabble of mine involving Spike enjoying Cosmos' reality warping powers after he ate her crystals.

Spyro the dragon along with friends of all three of his incarnations visit an Equestria ruled by an all powerful Spike, who wants to see Spyro abuse the same power. But the power of the purple dragon might mingle with the power of Cosmos that Spike absorbed and now seeks to share with Spyro... except there's another purple dragon in Spyro's world that Spike is unaware of.

Cowritten with Mtangalion as a back and forth. So expect plenty of random turns.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pony POV Series: Three Divine Comedies

Rota Fortuna, Alicorn Princess of Fate and Free Will, many a mortal hate her for the crime of existing. Others use her as a shield to justify their own actions, or blame her for the consequences of those actions. And today she chooses to visit a lost friend. A causality of a war that once decided ponykind's right to exist.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pony POV Series Origins: The Smooze 'Mount Gloom's Last Blitz'

The Witches of Mount Gloom and all their family are defeated. Only Reeka remains. It is her last midnight, and she will pony kind her last spell, her last curse, as she truly becomes a witch in the traditional sense of the word, and offers up her soul for revenge.

A one scene story. Meant to fill in one question, "how did the ponies become separated?" This has bugged me even since I wrote the pony series' together in pony pov. This is one possible answer. Do not consider this canon, only a possibility, as I don't want the last thing I write of Pony POV Series to be something this dark.

And in a twisted way... it answers an unwanted question of G5 that insists on being a continuation of G4.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to TCB: 'Not Just Ponies' Dragon Librarian

Princess Luna choose to accept an short little interview as the strange alien radiation known as 'magic' spreads across Earth forcing humans to undergo a species change to survive it, and Luna proceeds to just chat about this and that.

Pretty much the definition of option canon in every shape and form, such as it is. Don't like it, ignore it.

Part of the Not Just Ponies setting. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheConversionBureauNotJustPonies

Vector by istilllikegamecubes

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to PONY POV SERIES SEASON 8: FINALE!

This takes place narratively after the entire pony pov series, IE, Pony Pov Series episode 435 (actual final chapter, "I wish you all to fair well my friends.") as there are spoilers for the entire series in here. So please read this last.

This was commissioned by me years ago to Godzillawolf, who has only now gotten around to completing it. I felt the story might have needed more polish, but after all the blood, sweat and tears he put into working it, he just waned it DONE, and I can very much appreciate that.

The story will run about 3 parts give or take.

The title says it all really about what this IS about! It's SIRENS, verses NIGHTMARES, who is gonna win? No matter who wins, we lose.

I hope you enjoy this final run through the pony pov series.

PLEASE don't forget the Pony POV Series Trope page! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PonyPOVSeries

Cover art by Godzillawolf.

Chapters (4)

Just because the Veil has passed over a place means there are no more stories to tell. And it doesn't mean the fanatics are satisfied. Just ask one New Whelp.

Edited by Mtangalion.

Part of the Not Just Ponies setting. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheConversionBureauNotJustPonies

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle faces an enemy that has no body to fight, no ideology to overcome, no evil scheme to thwart. She faces a problem with no ideal solution. What would you do in her horse-shoes?

Set in TCB Not Just Ponies setting:

Thanks to Godzillawolf for edits. https://www.fimfiction.net/user/32141/Godzillawolf

Chapters (1)

Everypony in Ponyville is naked! ... Okay, that's nothing new. But everypony's fur and feathers are falling out! What is the source of this evil? What twisted mind could have unleashed this on innocent Ponyville? And what hero shall rise to the challenge and save Equestria from embarrassment and indignity?

Story by:
Alex Warlorn

Image by AleximusPrime with permission.

MLP:FiM Copyright Hasbro

Adios Amigos.

Chapters (1)